Which animal has black and orange stripes?
What is tiger
Which plant gives you a bad rash
What is Poison ivy
Is very bad at making Jeopardy
Who is Heath Keel
Invented the airplane
who were the wright brothers
swims in the ocean has 8 tentacles
what is Octopus
Flower with sun in the name
What is sunflower
About Kids of gods
What is Percy Jackson
Bilt a ark
Who was Noah
Has a brown shell
What is a turtle
Has petals
What is a flower
Story of someones life
What is a biography
The lord
Has a seashell on its back
What is a Hermit crab
Has leaves
What is a bush
Mom is reading to me at night
Laura Ingles
My mom
who is Joana Keel
Shaped like a star
Star fish
Has seeds
what is a plant
About a mouse
Geronimo Stilton
My dad
Who is Lee keel