This flag has fifty stars thirteen stripes and the colors are red, white and blue
What is the U.S.A
I help put out fires and rescue animals
What is firefighter
For this category the country will be named and you will name the continent it belongs to: China
What is Matilda
For this category, a few coins will be named and you must guess the amount: Two dimes and a nickel
twenty five cents
This flag is green with a globe in its center and stars on the globe
What is Brazil
I help kids learn reading and math skills
What is teacher
South America
Kansas was my home before I ended up in a strange land
Who is Dorothy
three quarters and a penny
This country's flag is red with a big star and four small stars surrounding the big star
What is China
I help keep the community safe and watch out for traffic violators
What is a policeman
North America
Christmas is the worst holiday in the world, it should be banished forever
Who is the Grinch
Three dimes one penny and a nickel
This country's flag has stripes with the following colors: blue white and red
I help make hair look beautiful
What is a hairdresser
What is Europe
I played music for the great people of New York City before I left to go to Connecticut.
Who is the Cricket in Times Square
Two quarters one dime and three pennies
The flag of this country has blue and red stripes with a small portrait of a cannon and palm trees in its center.
I deliver letters and packages
What is a mailman
What is North America
I was almost killed as a baby and ended up being a prized pig.
Who is Wilbur
Four quarters two dimes and a nickel