What is Jeopardy's sister game?
Wheel of Fortune
When did Art Flemming Start hosting Jeopardy?
If you know what the answer is what do you do?
Hit the buzzer
What happens if every team gets the question wrong?
The host reads the correct answer from a answer card
Did he make 1 or 2 game shows?
How long has Art Flemming hosted Jeopardy?
10 years
Is Jeopardy the U.S game that has the most awards?
What happens if you get the question wrong?
You don't get the points that it is worth
Has he ever hosted a game of Jeopardy?
How long did Alex Trebek host Jeopardy?
11 years
How many players can play a time?
What happens if you get the question right?
You get the points that the question is worth
What is his name?
Merv Griffin
When was Art Fleming born?
May 1, 1924
How many teams can play at a time?
What do they stand behind?
A buzzer
When was he born?
July 6, 1925
When was Alex Trebek born?
July 22, 1940
When was it made?
March 30, 1964
What is the highest win streak for one person?