What meme includes a crying frog?
Who is Pepe
What country has the most lakes?
What is Canada
What is an Emu/Kangaroo
What company made Megaman?
What is SEGA
The most common language in Latin America is?
What is Spanish
What meme includes a fat rabbit?
Who is Big Chungus
What's the largest country in Africa?
What is Algeria
What's the largest animal?
Who created Minecraft?
Who is Notch
When was Youtube founded?
What is 2005
Who made the infamous, 'Never gonna give you up?'
Who is Rick Astley
What's the smallest country of Asia?
What is the Maldives
Where do humans originate?
What is Africa
What is the oldest videogame in the world?
What is Pong
What's the hottest planet in the solar system?
What is Venus
When did Doge take off?
What is 2013
What is the most dangerous place to be in?
What is Syria/Afghanistan
What's the National animal of Vietnam?
What is the Water Buffalo
When was Fortnite announced to be developed?
What is 2011
Ra is the god of what?
What is the sun