Name the color of this computer
Grey or Silver
How many presidents have been impeached?
What NFL teams have won six Super bowls?
The Patriots or The Steelers.
Who played Spider man in Homecoming and Far from home?
Tom Holland
What game has seen a major decline in popularity and players?
2(45 x 3) + 5 = n
What does n equal?
The Civil War broke out mainly because of the issue of ________
What sport in the USA is most watched (2005+)?
Football with 111.9m
What color fur does Twilight Sparkle have?
Purple or Pink
What kind of games does EA make?
Sports related
Senators serve for how many more years than Representatives?
6 - 2 = 4
Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas in what year?
How many times has the women national US team won the FIFA World Cup?
4 they have won the most
What was HBO biggest hit in 2019?
Game of Thrones
What game is like mine craft, expect in 2D?
America is how old?
243 years old
What states did the US get with the Louisiana Purchase?
(Any part of the state counts)
Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Oklahoma; in addition, the area included most of the land in Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and Minnesota.
How many teams are there in The March Madness Tournament?
What is the name of the city in India Hollywood got it name from?
Name the country that Shigeru Miyamoto (Person who created Mario) was born in?
What is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = ?
(For the 3 youngest kids)
? is ..........
What famous battleship is docked in alameda?
USS Hornet
How many teams play in the AHL?
In Frozen it´s main character has what super power?
Snow and Ice manipulation
In mine craft what block is invincible against TNT?