How do you spell the "the heart" in Spanish
El corazón
What is la boca in English?
The mouth
What is "¿Cómo se llama?" in English?
What is your name?
Swollen in spanish is...
How do you spell "the stomach" in Spanish?
el estomago
What are "Lymph nodes" in Spanish?
What does "¿Qué tipo de dolor es?" mean in English?
What type of pain is it?
"Ringing in your ears" in Spanish?
Zumbidos en sus orejas
Salpullido, erupcion
How do you spell "the liver" in Spanish?
El hígado
What is la muñeca in English?
The wrist
¿Por qué vino a la clínica hoy? means
Why did you come to the clinic today?
Calambres are...
La escarlatina
Scarlett Fever
How do you spell "the injection"
la inyección
What is the thumb in spanish?
el pulgar
What is a CT scan in Spanish?
Tomografía axial computarizada
What does dolor agudo mean?
Sharp pain
El paludismo...
How do you spell "streptococcus" in spanish?
What is el bazo in English?
The spleen
Translate this: le duele el pecho al caminar o hacer cualquier tipo de ejercicio
His chest hurts when he walks or does any type of exercise
What is sea sickness in spanish?
El mareo
How do you say congestive heart failure in Spanish
insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva