Jeopardy has been in creation this number of years
What is 54 years?
This person is the creator of the Jeopardy theme music
Who is Merv Griffin?
This is the day that Alex Trebek was born on
When is July 22, 1940?
This Jeopardy contestant has broken the most records
Who is James Holzhauer?
Jeopardy has aired this number of shows
What is the number 7,000?
This person created the game show Jeopardy
Who is Merv Griffin?
This is the height of Alex Trebek
What is 5' 8"
This Jeopardy contestant has won the most games in a row
Who is Ken Jennings?
Jeopardy has outlasted this number of other game shows
What is the number 400?
This company played the Jeopardy theme song
Who is Bleeding Fingers Music?
This is the type of cancer that Alex Trebek has
What is pancreatic cancer?
This Jeopardy contestant has won the most money in he game's history
Who is Brad Rutter?