This famous song includes a pen and an apple
What is is ppap or apple pen
This brand is most famous for their denim
What is levis
In the movie elf what city is the movie mainly filmed in
What is New York city
What rapper wrote the song old town road
Who is lil nas x
this shoe and clothing company is based of the basket ball player micheal jordan
What is air jordan
This meme includes sully from monsters inc groaning
What is the ankle grab meme
what fashion designer brand is best known for there three main colours -red-blue and white
what is tommy hilfiger
This TV show includes the line "i'll be there for you" in the theme song
What is friends
this famous country singer wrote a song called ring of far
who is jhonny cash
These are a type of slip on dress shoe.
what are loafers
This meme includes a large gorrila and potty humor
What is uh oh stinky
this expensive brand known for there colours red and green
what is gucci
In the movie Frozen who raises Kristoff and sven as a kid
who is pabbie or trolls
finish the lyric "i got black i got white"
what is" what you want"
adidas superstars includes this many stripes
what is 3 stripes
what is "you almost made me drop my croissant"
This popular streetwear brand is best known for its Box logo tees and hoodies
what is SUPREME
This movie includes Tom hanks and bubba gump
what is forrest gump
THis man is known as the godfather of soul
who is james brown
a huge trend to where these whit nike sneakers
what are air force 1s
this song written by rick astly is now in lots of memes
what is never gonna give you up
this brand is best known for there yellow belts
what is off white
this movie includes golf and hockey
what is happy gilmore
this beatles album was released with no cover
What is the white album
This sneaker brand was created by Kanye West
What is Yeezy