Holliston Mascot
What is a Panther
beats around 70 times a minute
What is the heart
These are the supplies needed to make slime
What is activator and glue.
Callie and Kellen
Who is Blaze
Popular pizza place to go to after a soccer game
What is Bazel's
Maya's favorite soccer player
What is Alex Morgan
This body part is the size of your heart
What is a fist
This is how you make glitter slime
What is activator glue and glitter
These dogs are very kind and big.
What are Golden Retriever's
David Jordan
Who is the Principle of Adams Middle School
Yeager Way
This is what the heart is made out of
What is Cardiac
This gives you a 3rd degree burn.
What is Borax
I am fluffy and white and I whine alot
Who is Hope
10.5 miles of walking and biking
What is the Holliston Rail Trail
Works for drug companies
Who are Pritish and Sejel.
This is were mom had her sugery
What are between the left right atrium
This is when slime was invented
What is 1976
This is the body part where dogs sweat
This is when Holliston was established.
what is 1924
Who is Rushik Uncle
Carries blood pumped from left ventricle to the lungs.
What is the Pumomary artery
This is how slime got it's name
What are the Ghost Busters
This is Queen Elizabeth favorite dog breed
What is a Poodle