Sports Ball
Drunk "History"
Song Titles and Superheroes
Cult Classics "Movies"
Totally "90's"

This Major League Baseball team was formerly located in Montreal.

Who are the Washington Nationals


The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, 1776, but it was August 2nd of that year when this former booze smuggler became the first to sign the document.

Who is John Hancock


This Black Sabbath song asks the question "Has he lost his mind?" and is the theme song for the Avenger by the same name. 

What is Iron Man


In the God Father, it is the head of this animal that ends up in someone's bed.

What is a Horse


This classic 1990's sitcom launched the acting career of a young rapper from Philadelphia.

What is the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


Although they don't fit into a little blue box, the trophies for the US Open, Super Bowl, and World Series are were all designed by this company.

Who is Tiffany & Co.


Thomas Jefferson was such a wine lover that he built two vineyards at this Virginia estate. 

What is Monticello


This Five for Fighting song starts "I can't stand to fly" which is odd since that is one of the things this classic superhero is best known for. 

What is Superman


In Clerks, Dante works at this convenience store.

What is Quick Stop


This 1996 toy that begged to be tickled reportedly sold for as much as $1,500 on secondary markets.

What is Tickle Me Elmo


This hall of fame NFL coach, for whom the Superbowl trophy is named, finished his career in Washington.

Who is Vince Lombardi


Bread got its start as a way to preserve the ingredients necessary for this popular adult beverage.

What is Beer


This Vanilla Ice song was famously featured in a movie about teenage turtles. 

What is Ninja Rap


In the Big Lebowski, this does not convince Walter that the kidnappers have Bunny Lebowski. "You want a ___ I will get you a ___" 

What is a Toe


Making their debut in 1992 this backward clothes wearing rap group demanded that you "Jump". 

Who are Kriss Kross


Bo Jackson, arguably the greatest athlete of all time, was inducted into the hall of fame for both Professional Baseball and Football. For the induction ceremonies Bo had to go to these two cities. Bo Knows, but do you?

Cooperstown, NY and Canton, OH


This renowned Ivy League institution had as many as three breweries on campus until the last burned down in 1814. 

What is Harvard University


The Ramones took a little bit of a detour from the Punk Rock scene when they recorded the theme song for this friendly neighborhood Superhero's 90's Saturday morning cartoon.

What is Spiderman


In the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, this is what is being built that causes Arthur Dent's house to be demolished.  

What is a bypass


In the Saved by the Bell theme song, it says "it'll be alright" If I can do this.

What is "hand it in tomorrow"


When home town hero Cal Ripken Jr. played in his 2,131st consecutive game he earned his title of "Iron Man" and broke this man's record. 

Who is Lou Gehrig


This drink was created in 1870 at a party in New York hosted by Winston Churchill's mother.  

What is a Manhattan 


Snoop Dogg paid homage to this famous crime-fighting duo with a song named after them on his 2002 "Paid tha Cost to Be da Boss" album 

Who are Batman and Robin


In the cult classic Dazed and Confused, David Wooderson played by this actor stays the same age.

Who is Matthew McConaughey


On the 90's hit show Friends, he was Monica's "midnight mystery kisser".

Who is Ross
