In this U.S. war, it was the Yanks vs. the Confederates
The Civil War
In Exodus 2:3 his mother set him afloat in a basket made of papyrus
The United States celebrates its birthday during this month
You are so cool, pristine & full of energy, you're like this biggest U.S. state
This continent is the largest in area
During the Revolutionary War, volunteers ready to fight with 60 seconds' notice were called these
In 2002 at age 101, the queen mother, this queen's mom, died in her sleep at Royal Lodge, Windsor
Elizabeth II
Timewise, it's the shortest month
You are so solid, some call you one of these, a heavy object attached to a rope that holds a boat in place
An anchor
Early explorers called parts of this continent Vinland
North America
This future state declared its independence in 1836 during a war with Mexico
In 1872 Julia Ward Howe, mother of 6, suggested Mother's Day but wanted it in this month, which sounds a bit late
It's National Dental Hygiene Month, & with all that candy at month's end, it's a good thing!
No one gets to you; your skin is as thick as one of these large reptiles similar to a crocodile
An alligator
This continent has a lot of marsupials, like the native wombat
Lasting from 1957 to 1975, it's the longest war in which the U.S. has taken part
The Vietnam War
Known as "Madame Mere", the mother of this French emperor joined him in exile on Elba & outlived him by 15 years
The U.S. presidential election takes place in this month
Your voice carries so well, you're known as this, like what a guitar is plugged into
An amp (or amplifier)
This continent has the longest mountain chain
South America
The Hundred Years' War, 1337 to 1453, was fought between England & this country
This scientist is the only woman to be a Nobel Prize winner as well as the mother of a Nobel Prize winner
Marie Curie
It shares its name with a type of musical piece: Forward--Move It!
You are so smart, your brilliance matches that of this ancient philosopher who was a student of Plato
In 1957 countries on this continent signed a treaty creating an economic community, or common market