How do you move in the game?
Use WASD or Arrow Keys
Name 2 behaviors that suggest someone is trustworthy.
a. They've been trustworthy before.
b. You've known them for a long time.
"Pain in the neck"
That boy is a "pain in the neck".
Hard to deal with!!
How do you use your item?
Press space bar
Who has access to the information or pictures you post online?
"frog in my throat"
I can't talk, I have a "frog in my throat."
their mouth might be dry, or they have a cold or sore throat
True or False: Do you have a protective bubble around you when you first spawn?
How can you tell if your teacher is in a good mood or a bad mood?
Tone of voice, smiling or frowning and non-enthusiastic, what they say
"on the blink"
My computer is "on the blink."
not working, broken
What version is Smash Kart's currently in?
Name 3 rules your family has about technology.
1. Screen time only after chores and dinner.
2. Use your school laptops for school only.
3. Talk only to people you know.
4. Other....
"sour grapes"
Ted is "sour grapes" because he lost.
he's mad or grumpy, he's a poor sport
When was the release date of the original version of Smash Kart?
December 4th, 2019
What can you say to yourself when something is hard?
You can do this. I think I can, I think I can.
Deep breathes.
"Fly of the handle"
My teacher is ready to "fly off the handle".
Just about ready to explode in anger