Academic Requirements

The four business core requirements that all WSB students are required to take

What is Management and Human Resources 300, Finance 300, OTM (Operations and Technology Management) 300 & Marketing 300?

 - We receive plenty of questions regarding this requirement and if they are all required! 


A business student can take any class as Pass/Fail 

What is False? 

The class must be a non-business elective, showing up on their DARS under the Elective section or refer students to WSB policies page found in the Guide


All business students only need to declare one business major.  

What is false? – The Intl Bus major must have another double major in the WSB.


These are the 4 Pre-Business courses that must be completed or in the process of being completed in order to be eligible to apply the Wisconsin School of Business.

What are Communication Part A (English 100, Comm Arts 100, ESL 118, LSC 100)Economics 101 (Microeconomics), Psychology 202  & Calculus (Math 211, 217, or 221) ?


A reason to refer a student to Academic Advising

What is 4-year planning, major exploration, course planning, academic concerns, creating semester schedule, adding or dropping courses, academic planning for study abroad?  


One of the popular liberal studies requirements to save for a study abroad program 

What is Ethics, social science or humanities credits?

-Team is able to name at least one of the courses listed above


The number of non-business major/s a business student can obtain 

What is 1 additional major through L&S? 

However all business students can have multiple certificates.


The number of majors currently offered by the Wisconsin School of Business undergraduate program. Bonus for $200: On average, how many credits for each major?

11 WSB majors – Acct, Act Sci, FIN, IS, IB, MHR, MKT, OTM, RE, RMI, and SCM 

Bonus answer: Majors range from 12-24 credits with the average being ~18 credits/major  


Prior to the Pre-Business workshop series being named Pre-Business 101, 102, 103, and 104, the series was named this. (hint: needed, fundamental, vital, necessary)

What was Pre-Business Essentials 1 and 2?


Because a parent is paying tuition, they have access to their student’s records.

What is false? FERPA — the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended — is a federal law that governs the privacy of student education records, access to those records, and disclosure of information from them.


Students are required to meet with their assigned academic advisor at least once during their undergraduate career in WSB 

Ex: Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) major meets with RMI advisor 

False; they can meet with any one of our professional academic advisors and/or related to quick 15 minute questions meet with our peer advisors! 


This happens if a student finishes their WSB requirements but not their L&S requirements if they have an additional major or certificate 

What is graduate from WSB?  

  • WSB will graduate any student once they complete their degree requirements (even if they do not apply for graduation). A student must complete additional requirements before or concurrently with their business requirements  


The number of emphasis areas and/or combinations that exist within the MHR (Management and Human Resources) major.

What are 6 areas of emphasis? – Mgmt; HR; Entrepreneurship; Mgmt + HR; Mgmt + Entrp; HR + Entrp  


Pre-Business advisors work with students to complete the 3 certificates we offer to non-business students.  Name the 3 certificates and earn $600 if your team can name the number of credits needed to complete each of them as well.

What are Summer Certificate in Business Fundamentals (12 cr), Certificate in Entrepreneurship (15 cr), and Certificate in Business (18 cr)?


During this year, the School of Business no longer allowed students to join SoB by achieving a minimum determined GPA and were instructed to submit an application in order to be admitted into the SoB. - (Earn $300 with answer 1 year +/-, double $600 for the exact year; hint: SoB not yet WSB) 

What is 2001?


The first generation to have spent their entire teen years in the smartphone era

Who are Gen Z? 

Sometimes referred to as 'digital natives generation'


GPA a student needs to stay at or above to avoid Academic Probation in the following categories; Cumulative GPA, Semester GPA, GPA on business/economic coursework and GPA on all coursework taken since admission to WSB

What is 2.00 GPA for all categories?


Name three ways that a student can explore WSB majors  

What are? 

  • Attend a WSB exploration event 

  • Research major and certificate options 

  • Join an academic and/or interest-based student organization 

  • Connect with advisors on campus to discuss how your interests fit within your academic and career interests 

  • Write down anything you know about your interests, strengths and goals 

  • Join Handshake to research employment opportunities 

  • Attend campus career fairs to connect with employers of interest 

  • Attend employer events on campus 

  • Connect with a faculty member or program advisor in department(s) of interest 

  • Talk with alumni or other professionals working in my field of interest 


These 3 majors are “typical” parallel plans our Pre-Business advisors have conversations about with students interested in studying Marketing.  (team get 2 of the 3 for $400; name all 3 and your team will earn $800)

What are Journalism (Strategic Communication concentration), Communication Arts (Communication Science and Rhetorical Studies OR Radio-Television-Film concentrations), and Retailing & Consumer Behavior?


In fall 2007, this number of wealthy individuals joined together to create the Wisconsin Naming Partnership with an investment of $85 million to preserve the school’s name (Wisconsin School of Business) for at least 20 years. 

What is 13 like-minded UW alumni?


FINAL JEOPARDY: List the first name of everyone on the entire 2021 Academic Advising Team in alphabetical order 

Who are Alexis, Ariel, Ashley, DJ, Jackie, Jess, Lauren, Lindsey, Natalie, Paul, Randy, Ruth and Zach?
