What does IDK stand for?
C) I Don't Know
What does CEO stand for?
A) Central Executive Operator
B) Chief Executive Officer
C) Chief of External Operations
D) Corporate Executive Officer
B) Chief Executive Officer
What does THX stand for?
A) Thanks
A) Just Kidding
What does BTW stand for?
A) By The Way
What does PTO stand for?
A) Paid Time Off
What does VIP stand for?
C) Very Important Person
C) Fear Of Missing Out
What does NGL stand for?
B) Not Gonna Lie
What does FBI stand for?
A) Federal Bureau of Investigation
What does BRB stand for?
D) Be Right Back
B) Talk To You Later
What does OMW stand for?
C) On My Way
What does NASA stand for?
A) National Association of Space Administration
What does LMK stand for?
A) Let Me Know
A) As Soon As Possible
What does SMH stand for?
D) Shaking My Head
What does AI stand for?
B) Artificial Intelligence
What does TBA stand for?
C) To Be Announced
C) Graphics Interchange Format