Is On Fire!
His side gig is DJ'ing Fireside Chats
Who is Ernesto?
Water this to unleash your potential
What is bamboo?
HPPSA - Health Plan Product, Service and Administration
Who is Chuck Bevilacqua?
An ALDP meeting would feel gloomy without kicking it off with one of these
What is a weather report?
A relationship designed to help ALDP participants be successful in the program by being matched with an ALDP alumni
What is a Peer Partner?
Watch out, she might be pulling a prank on you!
Who is Sri?
An orange book to capture these of another color
What are golden nuggets?
MSSO - Market Strategy and Sales Operations
Who is Kitty Guptill?
They'll teach us about Interdependent Leadership in San Diego
Who is WolfCreek Partners?
The single most important project of our ALDP journey
What is Capstone?
She's fluent in French and Italian
This survey report was used to help create our Individual Development plans
What is Korn Ferry?
National Medicaid Programs
Who is Toby Douglas?
The third annual one of these is coming up in September!
What is ALDP Summit?
A day-in-the-life of executives quarterly assignment
What is shadow assignment?
A coach once described her as a "marshmallow wrapped in barbed wire".
Who is Karen C. (a.k.a. KC)?
This test consists of 9 personality types. Apparently many of us are 8's!
What is Enneagram?
Health Plan Operations
Who is Wade Overgaard?
The most recent one of these featured an ALDP alumni & Director of KP's Medicare 5 Star Program
What is Learning Lab?
They provide a sounding board of new ideas, candid feedback, and help us navigate the organization
What is a mentor?
She was a Cherry Blossom Princess as part of the Washington, DC Cherry Blossom Festival
Who is Karen H?
First assess performance, then potential!
What is 9 box?
Health Plan Technology Solutions and Services
Who is Rob Alger?
A way to connect with other cohort colleagues in a small group forum
What are meet up groups?
During MSSA week, we heard about Working in Resilient Environments (WIRE) workshops from this group
What is educational theatre?