What is the approximately equal to symbol?
Who is Alex Trebek?
The age Alex Trebek died at.
What is 80?
What is "bread" in German?
What is the angle symbol?
What is NBC?
What is Stage 4 pancreatic cancer?
| x |
What is the absolute value symbol?
This was the year Jeopardy! aired.
What is 1984?
The amount of Emmy Awards Alex Trebek won in his lifetime.
What is "apple" in German?
What is the imaginary number symbol?
In 2015, Roger Craig made this much money in a single Jeopardy! game, beating Ken Jennings' single-game record of $75,000 (within $3,000 (above or below) for full credit).
What is $77,000?
The amount of episodes of Jeopardy! that Alex Trebek hosted in his lifetime (a Guiness World Records record for "Most Game Show Episodes Hosted by the Same Presenter" (within 1,000 (above or below) for full credit).
What is 8,000?
What is "ten" (10) in German?
What is the probability function symbol
Ken Jennings' Jeopardy! streak (he won $3,370,700 in the process).
What is 74 wins?
This Canadian city was where Alex Trebek is from.
What is Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada?