Fears and pet peeves
Greek mythology
Tv shows
Random facts
Hailey is deathly allergic to ____

What is Kiwi!


Ate his children in fear of them overpowering his status as almighty Titan.

who is Cronos.


Set in Albuquerque New Mexico. A teacher transforms his life by following the illegal drug trade in order to support his family before his inevitable death

What is Breaking Bad!


Only place on earth where Marsupials are found in the wild

What is Australia


What is Barbies full name?

barbara millicent roberts from Willows, Wisconsin. Her birthday is March 9, 1959, when she was first displayed at the New York Toy Fair.


______ has Lepidopterophobia... (-50 points for Hint)

Who is Annie! 

Lepidopterophobia - is a fear of moths


This goddess of love, emerged from the foam generated from her fathers severed testicles, Uranus, which were thrown into the sea by the Titan Cronos. 

Who is Aphrodite!


An anthology series centering on different characters and locations, including different story lines and locations for each of the 9 seasons.

What is American Horror Story


The country which the movie of four best friends are on a search to return home after they land on an island and encounter a crazy king whose palace is a crashed plane.



The most dangerous animal in the world, killing over 500 people each year.

What is the Hippopotamus, they are very aggressive creatures with massive teeth, extremely heavy yet adorable.


____ can not properly pronounce a pre-pickle. 

Who is Corisa


Stolen bride of Hades, who was tricked into eating a poisoned pomegranate which imprisoned her to the underworld.

Who is Persephone


From which tv show were these quotes said? And who said them?

“When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all, ‘Whaaat?’”

“Cheerleading in my college was cool. The football players were so jealous they wouldn’t even let me and my buddies – Trevor, Scotty, and Ling – go to their parties.”

Who is Phill From Modern Family


The place which dictatorship is still present today

North Korea


During our first trip, who was it that befriended the meatballs?

Who is Annie!


______ will correct you if you get a fact wrong about disney

Who is Tiffany


Both sister and wife of Zeus. She is the queen goddess of Olympus

Who is Hera!


Who said this and from which tv show?

“People say, ‘oh it’s dangerous to keep weapons in the home, or the workplace.’ Well I say, it’s better to be hurt by someone you know, accidentally, than by a stranger, on purpose.”

Who is Dwight Shrute from The Office


Which city can the worlds largest roller coaster be found?

Six Flags, New Jersey

The roller coaster is over 45 stories tall with a top speed of 206 km/h


______ is gay" is carved onto the table previously located at the PP



______ has Chromophobia 

-100 points for hint of word

Who is Tarah


Offspring of Zeus, who became his favorite child. Birth origin from the head of Zeus. God/Goddess of wisdom, war and crafts, was the wisest, most creative, and most resourceful of the gods. 

Who is Athena


Who said this and from which tv show?

“I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you. I want to build us a house. I want to settle down and grow old with you. I want to die when I’m 110 years old in your arms. I don’t want 48 uninterrupted hours. I want a lifetime.”

Who is Derek Sheppard from Grey's Anatomy!


The 2nd longest mountain range in the world.

First being the Andes (4,350 miles long)

What is the Southern Great Escarpment, found in Africa (3,100 miles long)

Canadian Rockies coming in close 3rd (3,000 miles long)


Who made a bet with jesse when he was 15 saying "I will buy you an ounce of weed and give you 20$ if you stay sober until the age of 18"

Who is Jaden
