A phrase commonly associated with Gen Alpha otherwise known as "Brainrot"
what is Skibidi toilet
This boy loves a hurricane wrap
what is "Hurricane katrina/hurricane tortilla"
A reality TV show in India shows a woman seeping and kicking a dustbin.
what is "Pooja, what is this behaviour"
A tiktok dance from charli xcx a day keeps the doctor away
what is "Apple dance"
Quote this little girl singing about her countryside boyfriend
what is "Country boy, I love you"
Hamilton has been quiet since the weather reports in florida
"In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet"
The government are giving out___to youths
what is "100 dollar vouchers"
You would hear this song particularly on Racial Harmony Days
what is "We gotta celebrate our differences..." not adding that cause racist)
There is a famous celebrity in the calendar
what is "Jason derulo"
9 plus 10
what is "21"
This local live streamer is very patriotic about her singlish.
"I want to lah, leh, lor in your face.."
This cat loves her vowels
what is "U II A I UU III A I"
Fresh fruits are served at del taco
what is "freshavocado"
Ash trevino's favourite song
what is "alexa, play como la flor"
How many days of MC can you get for soar throat ?
what is "5 days MC"
A dancer from dance moms really believes that what comes around goes around.
what is "Karma is a b__"