
Is school a common noun or a proper noun?

Write C for common or P for proper

The word school is a common noun.


When a number is multiplied by another number it makes a product.

What are the numbers you multiply called?

They are called factors


True or false?

Magnets can attract all metals.

False, magnets can only attract some metals, specifically those with iron in it.


When a speaker is speaking to the class you can show respectful listening by...

Watching or tracking the speaker,  turning your body towards the speaker, or repeating some of the speakers ideas back the that person.


Mr. Martinez loves:

hamburgers, pizza, or tacos?



When should you use capital letters in a title?

The first word of the title and any important words.


What is the Multiplication sentence for:

4+4+4 and what is the product(answer)?  

Various answers, but they must show 3 groups of 4 and an answer of 12.


When your brain sends a signal to another part of your brain, is this a Pathway or a Network?

When 1 path goes form one place to another, it is a Pathway.


When you want to ask or share information, you should _____ first before doing it.

You should raise your hand, and wait to be called on.


Mr. Martinez has a brother, a sister, or both?

Mr. Martinez only has 1 sister.

The Wind and The Willow:

How is Water Rat's personality different from Mole's personality?  Remember: the difference about their personalities and not about how they look.

Many answers, but they must be true from the story.


Alex has 20 candies.  He needs bags to divide his candies.  He knows he can put 4 candies in each bag.

How many bags or groups will Alex need?  Show a division sentence and answer for this problem.

We know the total= 20.

We do not know how many bags are needed?

We do know each bag can hold 4 candies.

So, 20 divided by ?= 4



What is the science meaning of the word "force?"

Force is a push or a pull.


True or false? In kickball, if the bases are loaded.  The 3rd base runner can be out at home base.

True:  If the ball is in play and caught on the ground,  the defensive player only has to reach home before the runner.  This is a force out.


What are Mr. Martinez' 2 favorite baseball teams?

The Oakland A's and the Los Angeles Dodgers.


Make this sentence better by adding more details.

"The ball rolled under the car."

Various answers, but it must show use of adjectives that describe in more detail.


Draw an array and solve this problem: At a taco truck, the cook has 27 slices of avocado.  He puts 3 slices on each taco he makes.  How many tacos will he make?

The array should show 3 x 9

Since 3 x 9= 27, 27/3= 9

The cook will make 9 tacos.


When you wrote your name with your other hand, this was an example of... a Strong Network or a New Network?

The hand you write the least with will be more challenging because it is a new action.  Therefore, this is an example of a New Network.


Suppose your team has a runner at 1st base.  Then, on your turn, you kick the ball.  What happens if you run pass your team mate?

Runners must stay in order when running the bases.  If you pass the front runner, the runner who ran out of order is out.


Inference:  An inference is when you put clues together to figure something out.  In the chapter that introduces Ruby, why was Stella becoming upset?  

Use clues from the story to support your ideas.

Answers may vary, but should include ideas about:

Stella's time at her circus, the training

Stella knows that Ruby may end up like her

Stella knows that a mall is not a place for a baby elephant to grow up


Solve the following problem:  There are 28 students that want to play a game.  The coach tells the students that they will make 4 teams.  If each team has an equal number of players, how many players will be on each team?

28 will be divided by 4 teams.  An array, model, tape diagram can be used. Each team will have 7 players.

28/4= 7
