Who built the Ark in Genesis?
Name three famous Israelite Kings
Saul - David - Solomon
Was Goliath a Philistine or an Egyptian?
Who said "I myself, and my house, want to serve the Lord!"
Where and who in the bible did we FIRST hear about a Shepard?
What happened first? The Great Flood or Murder of Abel?
Murder of Abel
What was Jacob's brother called? E
Which towns were destroyed by Fire and Brimstone?
Sodom and Gomorrah
How many people were saved on the noah's ark?
Who said to who" "A person sees what is in front of his eyes but God sees the heart"?
God to Samuel
What is the name of the first 2 humans
Adam and Eve
How many years of Famine did Joseph prophesies to the Pharaohs? In Genesis
Name three of Jesus disciples who's name begin with 'J'.
Jacob, John and Judas
What type of Animal did Balaam ride?
A donkey
In which book of the bible do we read about Haman?
Who murdered Abel?
who commanded the sun and moon to stay still?
What type of tree did Zaccariah climb?
Mulberry- FIG tree
How did Stephanus die? (stefan)
Stoned to death
Who was Ahasveros?
a Persian King, Xerxes 1
Where did Jesus grow up?
what book of the bible tells the story of David and Goliath?
1. Samuel
who and when was the first time in the bible we heard about a shepard
Abel in Genesis
What was Ruth's husband called?
Where in the bible are Apples mentioned for the first time?
Proverbs 25:11