Bible writer and a famous hot dog.
Who is Nathan?
If a Hutu or TUTSI is a Jehovah's Witness, they surely read this letter.
Who is Titus?
Salt Sea.
What is the lowest place on earth?
Naaran________Nabonidus (real idiot)
Who is Nabal?
Total number of the Prodigals's brothers.
What is one?
Bible writer and famous outlaws.
Who is James?
IT'S NEWS if one of these Christians misbehaves.
What is a Witness?
Mustard Grain
What is the tiniest of all seeds?
Balah_________Baldness (not a good king)
Who is Balak?
The disaster that caused the impoverished Prodigal to return home.
What is a famine?
Bible writer and a famous cookie.
Who is Amos?
If this is literally hot, you'll need SHADE when you go.
What is Hades?
Paul's letter to the Romans.
What is the longest letter penned by Paul?
deker_________deluge (not a good girl)
Who is Delilah?
The swine's food for which the Prodigal longed.
What are carob pods?
Bible writer and an actual modern day knight.
Who is Paul and/or John (McCartney - Elton)
This Bible book does not say that the excuse for Cain's murder of Abel IS GENES.
What is Genesis?
The book of Obadiah.
What is the smallest book of the Hebrew Scriptures?
Golgotha_________Gomer (thinks he's big 'n bad)
Who is Goliath?
The entree that was prepared for the Prodigal's return meal.
What is a fattened calf?
Bible writer and frozen bread brand.
What is Ezekiel?
Oh did SHE AID OR abet the beheading of John!
Who is Herodias?
Job's distinction according to Job 1:3.
Who is the greatest of the Orientals? (or of all the people of the East)
Marshmallow__________Mary (good one)
Who is Martha?
The 3 clothing items given to the Prodigal upon return.
What is a robe, ring and sandals?