This animal's baby is called a cub
What is a bear
This pop star released the hit song "Baby One More Time"
Who is Brittney Spears
Jack fell down and broke his crown; who came tumbling after?
Who is Jill
Around what age do most babies start to crawl?
What is 6 to 10 months
How long is a typical full-term pregnancy in weeks?
What is 40 weeks
The young of this large animal is known as a calf
What is a cow
This animated baby is known for his big eyes and love for his bottle in "The Rugrats"
Who is Tommy Pickles
This character had a great fall that resulted in many injuries
Who is Humpty Dumpty
This milestone typically happens when babies can sit up independently
What is 6 months
What hormone is detected in most home pregnancy tests?
What is hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)?
A juvenile frog is often referred to as this
What is a tadpole
The character Baby Yoda is from this popular series
What is The Mandalorian
This rhyme features a spider climbing up a waterspout
What is "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"
At what age do babies begin to say their first words?
What is around 12 months
What is the name for the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb?
What is Amniotic fluid
This baby bird is known for its soft feathers and is often seen in a nest
What is a chick
This actress famously named her daughter Apple
Who is Gwyneth Paltrow
In this rhyme, a little girl has a pet named after a color.
Who is Mary with her lamb
This refers to the period when babies move from crawling to walking
What is cruising
What is the term for contractions that prepare the body for labor, but don't lead to birth?
What are Braxton Hicks Contractions
The offspring of a duck is called a what?
What is a duckling
The baby character in "The Flinstones" is named what?
Who is Bam-Bam
This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home. What does this last piggy do?
What is weep all the way home
What is 15 months
What is the name of the scale used to assess a newborn's health immediately after birth?
What is an Apgar Scale