Always Prepared
What is the meaning of the letter "A" in AVID?
When should we go to the bathroom?
A giant mammal that acts similar to humans.
The white binder
This large three ring organizer is brought to school every day in your backpack.
Very Respectful
What is "V?"
Raise hand
How to get the teacher's attention?
Maestra Guerrero
Your kindergarten teacher at Central.
This should be signed every night by a parent or guardian.
Intentionally Safe
What is "I?"
Level 1 voice
The voice "loudness" when entering the classroom.
The opposite of stop!
Letter G
Where does the class line up before school, at recess and lunch?
Determined and Responsible
What is "D?"
Level O
The voice loudness when the teacher is talking.
Algo muy grande
What should you do when you are finished with your work or waiting?
Siempre Preparado, Respetuoso, Intencionalmente Cuidadoso, Determindado y responsable
Que significa "AVID" en espaƱol?
AR Quizzes
A quiz that should be taken at least once every week.
The color of grass.
In two lines
How do we line up and walk with our class?