What state or city in America did early Jazz originate?
What is New Orleans, Louisiana
What is Mozart's Full Name?
What is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
How many counts is a Whole Note in 4/4 time?
What is 4?
What instrument family does a trumpet belong to?
What is Brass?
What is the beginning?
What "I" word means for a musician/soloist to express themselves over a song?
What is improvisiation?
Where was Mozart born?
What is Salzburg, Austria?
How many counts is an eighth note in 4/4 time?
What is half of a count?
What pitch is a trumpet in?
example Eb, Bb, Concert
What is Bb
What does the D.C in D.C al coda stand for?
What is Da Capo?
What is Bossa Nova, Gypsy Jazz, Bebop, Hardbop, Afro-Cuban Jazz, Frevo, Ragtime, Dixieland, Cool Jazz, etc.
What is 2?
Clap this rhythm to get 300 points
Clapped correctly
What is an Alto Saxophone pitched in?
example Eb, Bb, Concert
What is Eb?
What do you do when you see D.C al Coda at the end of the measure?
What is go to the beginning of the song, then to "to coda" sign, finally skip to coda?
What was the nickname of Alto Saxophone player, Charlie Parker?
What is Bird?
Did Mozart have an older brother or sister?
What is older sister?
What does the top number in a time signature indicate?
example: 4/4 or 3/4
What is tells you how many counts are in the measure?
When taking in air to play instruments, where should the air go?
What is Diaphgram?
What was the name of the Jazz album that sold the most copies ever?
What is Kind of Blue, by Miles Davis?
What kind of music did Mozart compose?
What are Sonatas, Concertos, Operas, and Symphonies?
Clap the rhythm correctly for 500 points.
contains eighth notes
Clapped Correctly
tambourine, snare drum, bass drum, shaker, timpani, xylophone, keyboard, conga, bongo, cowbell, brake drum, glockenspiel,
clarinet, flute, english horn, Saxophone, bassoon.
trumpet, trombone, french horn, sousaphone, tuba
What does a D.S mean and What does it stand for?
What is Dal Segno?
What is skip to the sign and continue playing?