Baynton highlights this group faced some of the most racial and ableist discrimination in American history
Who are African Americans?
Disability has often been used to justify this practice of treating people as less than full human.
Disability was used to justify the denying people of color equal rights in america
Disability was often linked with the racialized idea of “inferiority” to justify exclusion from this right
Disability and race were used together to justify this hegemonic system, framing people of color as inferior and unable to participate in American society
What is slavery?
Baynton says that women with disabilities were less marginalized compared to men with disabilities due to the societal beliefs that women were more suited for domestic roles.
What is false?
This law used disability as a reason to deny entry to immigrants who were perceived as “lunatic, idiot”
What is the immigration act of 1882
Disabilities were often associated with this unique factor used to differentiate others.
What is Race?
Within immigration laws immigration started including those who identified as gay or lesbian (denying them entry into the U.S.)
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