Is the following statement a risk or a hazard?
"Something that has a potential to cause adverse effects (i.e. biological agents)"
True or False. Sterilization is the elimination of viable biological agents
False, it is Disinfection
LBM4 focuses on....?
Risk assessment approach
What should laboratory personnel pass/complete to ensure they are allowed to work within a specific procedure?
Competency assessment
When is the risk reduced to zero in laboratory?
True or False. After washing your hands in the lab, hands should be dried with multi-use cloth towels and the towels should go to laundry at the end of every workday.
False. Hands should be dried with single-use paper towels and the towels should properly discarded after use in a designated waste bin
Hazard identification process falls under which step of risk assessment process
STEP 1. Gather information
List the steps in doffing PPE in the laboratory (gown, gloves, goggles, mask)
Remove gloves -> remove gown -> wash hands -> remove eye protection -> remove mask -> wash hands
Who should be involved in risk assessment?
The whole team involved in testing, biosafety officer
What is the process by which biological agents are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another, with potentially harmful effect
Cross contamination
List 3 or more appropriate disinfectants with proven activity against enveloped viruses
Hypochlorite [bleach], alcohol, povidone‐iodine, chloroxylenol, chlorhexidine, benzalkonium chloride
What’s the difference between laminar flow box and BSC II?
Laminar flow boxes protect the product during the manipulation, but not an operator due to the airflow; BSC II protects both
Name three procedures used in the laboratory that may lead to aerosol formation?
Vortexing, shaking, centrifuging, sonication, homogenization, pipetting, opening a cap of a vial (in case of difference in pressure)
List three categories of waste generated in the laboratory
According to the LBM4 and GMMP point out what is wrong with the laboratory coat in this picture
Show slide 1
What to use for cleaning a biosafety cabinet and why?
Surfaces should be wiped with sterile water or a 70% alcohol solution after use of bleach because bleach is a corrosive disinfectant
name the steps in the process of biosecutiry risk assessment
STEP 1. Gather information
STEP 2. Evaluate the risks
STEP 3. Develop a risk control strategy
STEP 4. Select and implement risk control measures
STEP 5. Review risks and risk control measures
There are 3 physical and chemical methods of decontamination to control antimicrobial contamination: Gas/Vapour, Liquid, Heat. Give an example for each method.
*Note: Please show slide 5
List the subject-specific monographs of LBM4
1)Risk assessment
2)Laboratory design and maintenance
3)Biological safety cabinets and other primary containment devices
4)Personal protective equipment
5)Decontamination and waste management
6)Biosafety programme management
Outbreak preparedness and resilience
List the hierarchy of risk mitigation measures
double jeopardy: provide example for every type of measures
Engineering controls
Administrative Controls