VARGese Translations
The Worst of the Worst
Jokes from the Inside
Obtuse Architecture Facts for Von (wink wink)
Things that are Definitely Canonical

A loan word from African-Russian, this phrase describes the mindset of the maids of the African-Russian royal family

What is Eye-Lips-Eye Death Penalty?


This geographical feature in the Western hemisphere is known for its dense concentration of ships and snipers, and is considered by many to be inescapable

What is the Amazon rainforest?


This beverage, despite its ubiquitous sale, is unique for the straightness and skill required to consume it.

What is 'a whole beer?'


In The Sims 3, the world of Roaring Heights is predominantly inspired by this architectural movement.

What is 'Art Deco?'


Ismene Circe, famed Ultimate Mythologist of DR: Antebellum, is famously from this country, the same as her voice actress.

What is Ireland?


A famous actress adopted from Ghana, in VARGese, she takes part of her name from a snack food, and part from a tropical fruit.

Who is Pringle Papayaman?


A true clown, this budding historian famously ignored the large group of people carrying her late father's ashes in Kenya

Who is Waceera (Michele) Crane?


Scientists currently believe eating this kind of food is the healthiest, and it's easy to lose weight and be healthy if you can get it imported to your nation.

What is 'British foods?'


A critical part of many modern buildings, this room is typically designed adjoining to a bedroom to provide a private space for a mustelid.

What is an otter closet?


The protagonist of this fangan feels super guilty after killing his sister to get his talent

What is Danganronpa: Antebellum?


This word hails from the syntectic creole of VARGese and Ripplese, and is considered to be VARG's name in the language

What is VARGinkle Pinkle Pop?


This character should be easy to spot: they're stupid, mean, annoying, and famously, should always die first. Not to mention their unique face.

Who is Ugly Pugly?


A delicious snack food, beloved by accidental racists mostly. One of the few foods that multiplies on its own!

What are rats?


In the famous school Akademi from Yandere Simulator, there are this many homeroom classrooms to see.

What is six?


A true tragedy strikes in Chapter three of mafiaronpa, when beloved and necessary character Thaddeus Loppington, god of nothing, dies from this.

What is God-AIDS?


A general name for anything undesirable, this word traces its etymology from the name of Jester's Ultimate Dentist

What is Bunky?


You can hit the ice, or get an iced drink with this friendly fellow. You can see him in a corner in lots of places, just make sure you bring quarters.

Who is Soda Machine Kevin Pelletier?


This is a city in America. I can't describe it further.

What is Charleston?


The three largest pyramids in Giza are each named for the pharoah who designed and was buried in them. Name any of the three.

Who are: Khufu, Khafre, or Menkaure?


Daily Double!!!

Who are: Shunny Red, Shunny Pink, Yunny Orange, Lukey Green, Ava White, Cloudy White?


Perhaps the most famous and well-known fairy of all time. She mimics a famous voice actress.

Who is Eve Limepebbles?


The ultimate Anti-women's rights activists, she believes strongly in forcing all women to get abortions and that it's ok to stab a 16 year old if you're in 'love' with a manipulator.

Who is Rosario Maeve?

This was ranked as one of the top ways to become an expert lute-maker in the 1700's, especially if you're an openly gay polycule enjoyer.

What is 'cooking a classmate into stew for an alley cannibal?'


This famous architect designed the Green Building at MIT, the JFK Memorial Library, and the Wilmington Tower, which was later renamed after him.

Who is Ieoh Ming Pei?


What a cute couple! Prisha and Naveen met after Prisha was rushed to the ER following an incident involving this action.

What is 'walking around with your eyes closed?'
