(objects - multiple choice)
This item was found on a coffee shop table.
What is a game of mancala?
In 1997, MTV opened its new studio in this notable New York City locale.
What is Times Square?
The 50-star Flag of the United States was first displayed in this year, following the addition of Alaska and Hawaii to the Union.
What was 1960?
This state makes up the "Four Corners" region of the US alongside Utah, Colorado, and Arizona.
What is New Mexico?
This 1980s flexible accessory was briefly infamous among the PTA mom set once low-quality versions began giving their kids cuts.
What is a slap bracelet?
This legendary British exotic has the highest top speed of any naturally aspirated (no turbocharger, no supercharger) car ever produced.
What is the McLaren F1?
A group of plants in the Rhus genus can be processed to make this lemony, crimson-colored seasoning which shows up everywhere from sprinkled over mezze to incorporated into falafel mixes.
What is sumac?
This item, missing a key component, was found near some vintage accessories for women.
What is a cinch closure for a handbag?
MTV introduced this heavily spray-tanned reality show in 2009, to a deafening lack of critical acclaim but a recovery in ratings.
What was Jersey Shore?
This type of Japanese bar is informal and offers alcoholic drinks and snacks to a primarily post-work crowd.
What is an izakaya?
This Atlantic location in Canada is famous for its extreme tides.
What is the Bay of Fundy?
What was the tamagotchi?
First introduced in 1992 for the 1993 model year, Jeep has offered a version of this popular mid-sized SUV model every year since.
What is the Grand Cherokee?
At an Argentine steakhouse, ordering ojo de bife will get you this familiar American-market cut.
What is a ribeye steak?
This blue disc-shaped item was found in a bag of snacks.
What is an x-ray machine tester?
This MTV cartoon made Mike Judge a household name by featuring two couch potatoes with distinctive laughs and questionable intelligence.
What is Beavis and Butthead?
Lars Ulrich brought this band bad publicity in the 2000s when he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee to accuse Napster of copyright infringement
What is Metallica?
Which is taller or deeper: Mount Everest or the Mariana Trench?
What is the Mariana Trench?
Although this Sony brand dates back to 1979, its enduring popularity in the 80s and 90s made this name synonymous with "portable cassette player".
What was the Walkman?
This car component has a honeycombed appearance inside, contains precious metals, and is sometimes stolen by scavengers using a cutting tool.
What is a catalytic converter?
If you find yourself in Brighton Beach with a hankering for handmade noodles with beef and vegetables in a beef stock, you might order this at a Uyghur restaurant.
What is laghman?
This vintage tool was used during certain home renovations.
What is a carpet stretcher?
Launched in 1988, this was the first MTV series to focus on rap and hip-hop.
What was Yo! MTV Raps?
What is Polaris or the north star?
This large area was isolated by the French government after World War I due to unexploded ordnance contaminating the land. 50 bonus points for the French name.
What is the Red Zone / Zone Rouge?
This popular brand of hair spray is remembered for its purple cans, strong scent, and contribution to the hole in the ozone layer.
What is Aqua Net?
The Chevrolet Corvette has been around for decades, but only recently adopted this major platform change - last seen on a Chevrolet in 1969.
What is its rear-engine design?
People from Punjab to Azerbaijan find this type of cylindrical, high-temperature oven indispensable for baking bread as well as for roasting meats and vegetables.
What is a tandoor?
This item washed up on an ocean beach. It did not come from the air or from outer space.
What is a wave-powered desalinator?
In 1983 this famous artist, known partly for collaborations with Queen and The Rolling Stones, publicly questioned the lack of MTV air time for Black musicians.
Who was David Bowie?
After the Roman-Jewish wars, this Hebrew patronymic eventually replaced the Aramaic bar- to indicate "son of".
What is ben-?
The range of the Cross River ape spans the borders of these two countries and is named for the river which flows through both of them. You need name only one for full credit, but can get 750 points for naming both.
What are Cameroon and Nigeria?
Wendy's rolled out this well-known catchphrase in 1984. It subsequently showed up in the Mondale-Hart debates during that year's Democratic presidential primary.
What was "Where's the beef?"
Tony has owned a number of Toyota Priuses (Prii?). If, in 2005, he'd wanted to own the single most fuel-efficient production car on the American market, he'd have switched to this model.
What is the Honda Insight?
These Russian dumplings are often made with thinner shells than their Polish counterparts and can be fried, sauteed, or boiled.
What are pelmeni?