any authority that uses its power to unjustly keep people under control
what is an oppressor?
a famous comedian whom was born a crime
The most sophisticated form of legalized racial segregation known to exists.
what is Apartheid
How many churches does trevor have to go to?
what is #3?
who is the first elected by the people president of south America?
who is nelson mandela?
a person event or behavior, noisy, energetic, and cheerful
what is boisterous
who is Patricia noah
what are the two main factions that are beefing in born a crime.
what is xhoso and zulu
who pushed trevor off the bus?
who is patricia?
what is the name people reffered to people who are mixed?
what is colored people?
to use someone or something unfairly or selfishly for ones own benefit
what is exploited
who is Temparance Noah
what is something that people did in order to integrate to a dominant society?
what is code switching?
what is a phrase that xhoso people use that means dont underestimate me or mess with me.
what is sanquela
what is the law that does not allow interracial relationships.
what is the immorality act.
very angry; enraged.
what is incensed
who is the sharp minded helpful old lady that's the opposite of her ex husband.
who is Frances Noah (coco)
Who was the peoples hero who was unjustly imprisoned?
who is nelson mandela?
why did trevor mom choose his as trevor?
what is, so that he is not bound by anything and could be anything
when did apartheid fall appart?
when is 1994?
to make something more english in appearance, sound, or character
what is anglicize
whos the kind man that does not care apartheid laws and welcomes all.
who is robert (noahs dad)
what year did white europeans start the apartheid movement in southafrica?
when is 1948?
how many languagues does trevor speak
what 2 areas did white people mostly live in during apartheid?
where is johansburg and capetown?