What is Value?
How dark or how light a color is.
What is color?
Light reflected off of objects.
These shapes are known as geometric!
Square, Circle, and Triangle
What is space?
The area where the art work is arranged.
What is texture?
Texture is the element that describes the surface of an object.
What type of art has little difference in its value?
Low Contrast
What two temperatures are found in the color wheels?
Warm and cool
What are the three classifications of shape?
Geometric, Organic, and Modified!
What is negative space?
The space in which the artwork does not interact with. (Aka the background)
What are the two types of classifications of texture?
Implied and Actual
What is the importance of Value? What illusion does it create?
It is one way to create form!
How do we make tertiary colors? What is one tertiary color?
Mixing primary and secondary colors.
Red-orange, Yellow-green, blue-purple, etc
What classification of shape does a leaf fall under?
This is the space in which the art takes up.
Positive Space
If you were to touch an object and describe it's texture, what type of classification would it fall under?
What kind of art has some change in its value?
Mid Contrast
What type of connection is made when grouping two colors that are directly across the color wheel?
(Think lakers)
Complementary Colors.
Under what classification would a triangle with rounded corners fall?
!!Double Jeopardy!!
Who is Ms. Ceballos's Favorite painter?
John Singer Sargent
Imagine a drawing of a barbed spikey wire on display in a poster. What type of texture classification is that drawing?
What type of art has a high difference in value?
High contrast
What are the three color groups found in the color wheel?
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
What is a shape?
An enclosed line that has space inside.
What is it called when objects appear far away in space?
During the lecture, we saw a wolf made out of forks. What type of texture is this art work under? Implied or actual?