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Herbs and Spices
What book about dinosaurs was made into a hit film in 1993?
Answer: Jurassic Park.
What’s the name of the residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW?
Answer: The White House.
What is it called when two companies come together to form a new one?
Answer: Merger. An acquisition occurs when one company buys another one and no new company is formed.
What do people don on their faces on Halloween?
Answer: Masks. People wore masks during ancient Celtic times to trick the ghosts into thinking they were fellow ghosts.
What is garlic with giant cloves called?
Answer: Elephant garlic. In the United States, it’s grown almost exclusively in California. While it looks like a giant form of garlic and tastes like a mild form of garlic, it’s not a true garlic. It belongs to the leek family.
What do you call a scientist who studies dinosaurs?
Answer: Paleontologist. The study combines many sciences such as biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, and physics, and focuses on prehistoric life, evolution, etc.
What politician lives at 10 Downing Street? “[It] has one of the most photographed front doors in Britain,” according to the Historic UK site.
Answer: The prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (Great Britain includes England, Wales, and Scotland. The United Kingdom includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland.)
What is an airline loyalty program called?
Answer: Frequent flyer program. Many frequent flyer programs allow you to consolidate miles from several airlines.
In what festive month do we celebrate Poinsettia Day?
Answer: December.
What seeds do we find in rye bread?
Answer: Caraway. The seeds are actually the fruit of the caraway plant.
If you were to find some dinosaur remains, what would they be called?
Answer: Fossils. According to Idaho State University, “A fossil is the naturally preserved remains or traces of animals or plants that lived in the geologic past.”
What was the official home of King Louis XV of France?
Answer: Versailles (Château de Versailles). Today, it’s a UNESCO’s World Heritage Site, and tourists come from around the world to see it.
In what 1972 film does the character Michael Corleone say, “It’s not personal. It’s just business”?
Answer: The Godfather.
What is the first day of fall called?
Answer: Fall (or autumnal) equinox. This year, it fell on September 22 in the northern hemisphere.
What seeds look like caraway seeds, taste a little like anise or licorice, and come from a plant with an edible bulb?
Answer: Fennel. The seed is the fruit of the fennel plant.
What is the name of the Flintstone’s pet dinosaur?
Answer: Dino.
What politician has the right to reside at 24 Sussex Drive?
Answer: The prime minister of Canada. The residence is in bad repair, so Justin Trudeau and his family live elsewhere.
AR stands for accounts receivable. What does AP stand for in the same accounting context?
Answer: Accounts payable
What three-day Canadian weekend celebration in memory of Queen Victoria and in acknowledgement of the current queen is also called May Two-four and May Long or May Long Weekend?
Answer: Victoria Day. It used to be a one-day celebration, but it has grown into a long weekend.
What herb is most associated with Thanksgiving?
Answer: Sage. Many turkey stuffing and dressing recipes use it as an ingredient.
What does dinosaur mean?
Answer: Terrible lizard. Originally, the name meant “fearfully-great lizard.”
Which famous person lived in Graceland?
Answer: Elvis Presley
The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York is now owned by an insurance company in what country?
Answer: China. The Chinese have been on a hotel-buying spree. They own some or all of the following hotel properties: Ritz-Carlton, Intercontinental, and Four Seasons.
From what country does Mexico celebrate its independence on September 16?
Answer: Spain.
What herb do we sometimes use as a garnish for iced tea and comes in many varieties, including pepper and spear?
Answer: Mint. Some of the other varieties include ginger mint, pineapple mint, and apple mint.