Print rich classrooms promote ______ skills.
What is language skills
A language center has three main functions:
What is provides looking and listening activities for children, gives children an area for hands-on experiences with communication-developing materials, and provides a place to store materials.
Once rooms or areas are designated as language centers, staff members classify materials into....
What is "looking and listening" or "working with" categories.
Although families and teachers are partners in a child's education, ___________ is a child's foremost teacher and model.
What is a family
Children are born with an innate disposition for learning that comes in a natural way.
What is nativist.
A prepared classroom environment provides...
What is successful experiences for all children
Barone and Xu (2008) suggest creating an inviting area that easily accommodates ______ children at one time.
What is five to six
Many children like to escape noise with....
What is a favorite book or puppet.
Early childhood teachers and centers employ....
What is a wide range of strategies to enhance their relationships with families.
The branch of psychology founded by Erik Erikson that describes development into eight different stages that span from childhood through adulthood.
What is psychosocial.
To help children recognize cultural diversity in the classroom teachers can...
What is display diverse children's household items, cultural clothing, musical instruments, printed language examples, books, photographs, and other materials that help children maintain a healthy sense of identity at school.
The ideal language center has....
What is comfortable, soft furnishings with ample work space, proper lighting, and screening to block out other areas of an active classroom.
Benefits cited by many early childhood advocates of child computer use include....
What is child cooperation and turn-taking and minimum need for supervision after child training on the available types of technology.
Everyday and special occurrences and events that take place-such as hobbies, trips, chores, mealtimes, community and neighborhood happenings, holiday celebrations, conversations, and stories are all....
What is language-development opportunities.
Believes that children's minds are a blank slate that needs to have direct instruction so that they can learn and behave appropriately.
What is nurturist.
How many classrooms were in Gerde et al.'s study of 265 children to find a correlation between the level of print in the classroom and children's writing ability.
What is 68 classrooms.
Language art centers should be....
What is quiet places that are separated from the more vigorous classroom activities.
Technology can be used as....
What is an aid for instructional activities, child assessment, the storing or compiling of data, word processing, research, communication, and other teaching or professional functions.
Families that establish successful learning environments for their children....
What is listen to what children say and respond to them.
Based on the belief that children construct knowledge for themselves rather than having it conveyed to them by an external source.
What is Interactionists- Constructivist.
Educators can label....
What is everything in the classroom that has a connection to current curriculum and post a picture or photo of the daily routine.
Schools with tight budgets are always on the lookout for....
What is free or donated books, materials, and furnishings.
Whether digital or electronic, technology cannot replace....
What is young children's real firsthand contact with the environment and human interaction.
Family-school contacts usually take place in at least eight ways
What is daily conversations, e-mails, written communications, shared school-home communication digital apps, family meetings, workshops, social events, and individual conferences.
Emphasis the importance of language and cognition in exchanges between adult and child.
What is Interactionists- Social constructionist.