(Worth double points)
Free 100 points!
Actually, it’s worth 200 Because of the double points.
99% of gamblers __________
quit before they hit big
How did 4 members of the jury commit a crime?
What crime do you commit when insulting someone’s looks?
Diss appearance.
he wouldnt reach boston at all because WHERE the hell are Timmy‘s parents? How is little Timmy going to pay for the train fee? Even if he could, no self respecting train operator would let a 5 YEAR OLD on a train by himself, especially one thats traveling ACROSS STATES.
Is “Buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo buffalo” a grammatically correct sentence?
No. I forgot a period, and also thats 1 too many buffalo’s.
in blackjack(21), should you hit on 16?
NOOOO. NEVER. HIT. ON. 16. (unless opponent has ace as face up card.)
What letter committed a crime by having a son?
R son.
What war crime did the port commit as it got older?
The port aging.
It’s raining TACOS! From out of the sky! TACOS! _____________
No it isn’t you dumba**.
What state has the most lakes?
Why should you never quit gambling?
What do you call a criminal who sleeps without a computer?
a Bed 0 file.
Why did the rich man get arrested for wanting to get a cement lawn?
Money lawndering.
is arson good?
Jeff died. The suspects are Jef the 2 year old, Jeffrey the pug, Geoff the 106 year old man with dementia and multiple diseases, Jeffy who is QUITE LITERALLY IN THE WOMB, and Bob the notorious serial killer with multiple weapons with him, all with red stains on them. Who killed Jeff?
Bob. duh.
“When gambling, you can only lose 100% of your money, but can gain 2000% of it.” -_________
Sun-Tzu, Art of gambling.
He was a counter fitting.
Why did the funny grass who likes mint get arrested?
Hagrassmint. (Harassment)
Darg one day mysteriously died without a trace, leaving only splotches of blood and a sharp spear with blood on it around te death area. There were no remnants of his body, but he did have multiple diseases:
Tuberculosis, a very old disease.
Gout, another very old disease.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, the oldest scientifically spotted and known disease ever.
What killed Jeff?
A dinosaur.
Darg is a caveman name, there were no remnants of his body(swallowed whole), splotches of blood (caused from when the dinosaur bit him and ate him), bloody spear from darg fighting back, and ALL those diseases were diseases that were around when dinosaurs existed.
Who was the 15th chess world champion, and what year was he bestowed that title?
I don't know.
In poker, what are all the stages where the dealer sets cards in the middle of the table called?
The flop, The turn, and The river.
What do you call it when a con man that has self-restraint quacks?
“This orderly con ducked!” (Disorderly conduct
Why did one half get arrested for hiding?
A part hide. (Apartheid, which is a crime against humanity, and is basically racial segregation but more complicated)
Mary died. The detectives were shortly called after to investigate the scene. They found that the murder weapon’s were either a rope, a razor, or a gun. There were 3 main suspects:
Bob, who was Mary’s gardener. He said after he finished trimming her plants, she told him to go tear out roots. And then he was tearing out roots as part of his job, and when he finished, he went back in and stepped in blood he found her body and shortly called the cops right after, which explained why he had blood on his shoes.
Gerald, who was her personal butler. She told him to go take a shower as he smelled bad after preparing her food, so he was in the bathroom as it happened, taking a shower. He couldn't hear anything, which explained why he didn’t go help her and wasn’t there.
The last suspect was her best friend, who was outside waiting for her with tequila and wine ready. She said that Mary told her to go outside and wait for her and pour her a glass while she waited.
Who killed Mary?
Suicide. She told everyone to leave, and cut herself with the razor(what people cut themselves with)as she was suffering from depression. Then she felt so bad that she tried to end it all by hanging herself, but he failed. So as a last resort, she put a suppressor on the gun and shot it in her mouth,