He Shoots, He Scores!
Meurers & Co.
Younger Years
Goodbye MISS-cillaneous

Q would've reached trophy wife status had Chris excelled just a teensy bit more in these two main sports he played growing up! 

What is soccer and hockey?

One could say Chris was not the first love of Q's life; instead, there were these two orange boys that came before him! 

Who are Koopa and Corncob?


The Meurer family are huge fans of this state's pro sports! They have a lot of lakes here!

What is Minnesota?


This is Chris' birth month, and it was a rainy one this year (in CR)!

What is July?


Chris finished with this GPA for his speech therapy degree!

What is 3.8? Chris felt the need to mention this as a fun fact.......lol


A 50/50 chance on this one, ladies! Chris favors this side of his body when he takes a shot at the goal!

What is his right side?


Chris and Q now give their kitties a ride in the great outdoors in this stylish item!

What is a stroller?


Chris' maternal grandmother is Phyllis, and she is just a handful of years shy of becoming a centenarian herself! In fact in November, she will turn this age!

What is 96?


Chris would call this city in Iowa home! This city has two main bridges; one to IL and one to WI!

What is Dubuque?


Our groom has a well known obsession with this type of candy! He's mostly kept the dentist away!

What is sour candy?


Chris was more than just a player or spectator....he participated in his sports as one of these black and white clad people!

What is a (hockey) referee?


This is the name of the first cat Chris had as an adult! Think Abe Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington!

Who is Penny?


Chris, Virginia, and Allen went to this country of kilts and sheep on the vacation of a lifetime right before the pandemic!

What is Scotland?


Chris went to this Big Ten school for his speech therapy degree, and turned my dad into Iowa's biggest Husker fan!

What is the University of Nebraska?


Chris and Q love vacationing in this land of characters and sun!

What is Disney World?


The name of Chris' high school club hockey team was named after this creature. This mascot was no angel!

Hint: the team name and mascot are the same word!

What are the Devils?


So far, all of Chris' childhood cats have to be at least this many years old! If they had lived just a couple years longer, they could've had a beer with him!

What is 19?


Chris' mom participated several times in the Bix and Grandma's, making her an avid....this.

What is a runner?


A little known fact about Chris is that he played this instrument in band! Think Spongebob's next door neighbor... 

What is the clarinet?


Chris proposed in this windy metropolis!

What is Chicago?


This was Chris' jersey number in high school! Cheers! ;)

What is 21?


As a feline aficionado for his entire life, Chris will quickly correct you if you say his childhood cats were Siamese or Persians....they were this type of shedding cat!

What are Birmans?


Chris' cousin Kari just had the first grandbaby on that side of the family, and this kiddo is giving Chris a chance to try out his paternal instincts!

Who is Carson?


Technically Chris had one other pet for about a year named Herbert while in grad school! This guy loved his plastic ball.....

What is a hamster?


Technically Chris had one other pet for about a year named Herbert while in grad school! This guy loved his plastic ball.....

What is a hamster?
