What level must you have on Colorado Shines PDIS 2.0 credentialing in order to be in one teacher ratio with children?
What is level 2?
How often should a diaper be checked?
Diapers shall be checked for wetness or feces at least every two hours, or whenever the child indicates discomfort or exhibits behavior that suggests a soiled or wet diaper. The child shall be changed when found to be wet or soiled.
This is the checklist used by pediatricians, parents and educators to monitor a child's development.
What is an ASQ (Ages and Stages Questionnaire)
The fire alarm goes off. What do you do next?
What is, line up all children, perform a head-count and help evacuate the building to the back fence on the playground. Bring emergency bag, classroom tablet and classroom clip board. Immediately perform another head-count and report numbers of student and teachers to administration.
You are caught by our licensing specialist looking at your phone while supervising children. What is the consequence?
You are considered out of ratio with the children and negligent in their care. You will be terminated immediately and could potentially have child negligence charges brought against you.
What are teacher required to be doing during meal and snack times?
What is staff members must sit with the children and encourage them to try a variety of food served. During meals, children should be encouraged to engage in conversation and to express their independence?
What are the three areas that guidance/discipline cannot be associated with?
Guidance must not be associated with food, rest, or toileting. No child should be punished for toileting accidents. Food must not be denied to or forced upon a child as a disciplinary measure.
In order to nurture children's development in the classroom, a diverse array of materials and equipment is essential. These items can be organized into eight distinct categories, which can also be called a comprehensive list of toys. Can you name them?
Blocks and accessories;
Books and pictures;
Dramatic play;
Gross motor;
Music; and,
Science and math.
What does Shelter in Place mean?
What is a dangerous threat or person is inside of the building, and evacuation is not advisable. Teachers are to keep the children safe, calm and quiet until authorities instruct otherwise.
What does a safe sleep environment require or look like?
What is a calm, restful environment conducive to sleep, mats must be 2 inches thick, and placed no less then 2 1/2 feet apart, or have a solid barrier between them. Staff must remain awake and attentive to all children. Children who are awake after 30 minutes are allowed to quietly play
What is the maximum child-to-teacher ratio for all ages in a licensed childcare facility?
12 months to 36 months - 1:5
24 months to 36 months - 1:7
2 1/2 years to 3 years - 1:8
3 years to 4 years - 1:10
4 years to 5 years - 1:12
5 years and older -1:15 children
What are the guidelines for safe storage of hazardous materials in a childcare facility?
Hazardous materials should be stored in locked cabinets or areas inaccessible to children.
Define playground supervision.
Adults position themselves so that they can observe all of the children: watching, counting, and listening at all times. Teachers must be walking around the playground, and communication with other teachers is brief and child centered
A child falls and hits their head. When do you have to turn in the accident reoprt?
IMMEDIATELY. It must have the full legal name of the child, the reporting teacher, be completed in full and in blue or black ink. Administration must be notified at the time of the accident to help monitor the child for traumatic brain injury
What does a sign-in sign-out sheet require?
What is, for each child in care: the date, the child's name, the time when the child arrived at and left the center, staff member's signature or other unique identifier, 30 minute head counts, and administrators signature at the bottom.
What type of training is mandatory for all early childhood educators in Colorado?
Mandatory training includes CPR and First Aid certification, along with training in child abuse prevention, standard precautions, and child development.
What are the hand washing steps?
Staff members and children shall wash their hands using the following procedures:
Moisten hands with warm running water;
Apply soap;
Rub hands vigorously until a soapy lather appears;
Continue washing for at least 20 seconds outside of the water, rubbing areas between fingers, around nail beds, under fingernails, under jewelry and the backs of hands;
Rinse hands under warm running water until they are free of soap and dirt; and,
Dry hands with a disposable towel, a clean cloth towel laundered after use, or a mechanical drying device.
What is the age that children can use glitter in a classroom?
3 and up!
There is a tornado warning in the area. What do you do?
Line up the children, perform a head-count, bring the children to the designated place (Teddies and Poohs - bathrooms inside the classroom, Pandas, Koalas, Kinder and B&A - Bathrooms and back hallway), perform another head count. Keep the children calm and quiet and entertained. Bring your emergency bag, classroom tablet and classroom clipboard. An Administrator will call the all clear
What are the limitations on screen time for children?
What is Children 4 and under are not allowed screen time. Children in kindergarten are allowed 30 minutes
A WEEK, and all materials must be educational in nature.
What is the definition of proper supervision?
What is every child must be within sight and sound of a teacher at all times within our building.
What are the steps to changing a child's diaper
The following procedure must be followed each time a diaper is changed:
1) Collect all items needed for diaper change
2) Wash hands and put on disposable gloves
3) Lay child down on clean and sanitized diapering mat; THE CHILD MUST BE WITHIN ARMS REACH THE WHOLE TIME THEY ARE ON THE DIAPERNG TABLE.
4) Remove soiled diaper or clothing, clean the child with baby wipes.
5) Dispose of diaper in the lidded trash can, remove and dispose of gloves.
6) Apply cream and new diaper, remove child from changing mat
7) Wash child's hands and your hands
8) Clean the changing mat with soapy water, disinfect using Oxivir, allow disinfectant to sit for 60 seconds, wipe dry with a new paper towel and rinse with soapy water.
According to licensing, how is a child's progress tracked?
Observations of the child’s development to document the child’s progress and challenges to be discussed at parent conferences.
There is a Active Threat in Area called by Aurora Police. What do you do?
Take the children to the designated spots (Teddy - classroom closet, Pooh 1 - Teddy Bathroom, Pooh 2 - Laundry Room, Pandas - Staff Lounge, Koala 1 - Staff Bathroom, Koala 2 - Kitchen, Kindergarten - Kitchen Pantry) perform a head count. If possible, call 911. Keep the children as quiet and calm as possible. Pull a fire alarm or hit the panic button if possible.
Under what conditions are teachers allowed to break classroom ratios?
What is in classrooms 3 and up, if all children are asleep, then teachers are allowed to take their own lunch breaks. in classrooms2 and under, ratios MUST be maintained AT ALL TIMES.