Zero Conditional
First Conditional
Second Conditional
Third Conditional
Mixed Conditional

Make a zero conditional using these prompts:

Water / To heat

Possible answer:

If you heat water, it boils.


Complete the sentence to make a first conditional: 

If I ____ free time, I ____ hang out with you.


Make a second conditional sentence with this prompts:

(They / have enough money / they / buy a new car)

Possible answer:

If they had enough money, they could buy a new car.


Make a third conditional sentence with this prompts:

(Alex / ask me, I / email the documents)

Possible answer:

If Alex had asked me, I would have emailed the documents.


Complete the sentence with your own ideas of a PRESENT result:

If she had arrived to work on time, ______________


Make a zero conditional using these prompts:

Plants / to water

Possible answer:

If you don't water the plants, they die.


Complete the sentence to make a first conditional:

If dad ________ (go) to the city today, he _________ (take) the car out of the driveway.


Make a second conditional sentence with this prompts:

(You / come home early today / you / prepare dinner)

Possible answer:

If you came home early today, could you prepare dinner?


Make a third conditional sentence with this prompts:

(I / have enough money / I / treat myself to a nice meal out yesterday)

Possible answer:

If I had had enough money, I would have treated myself to a nice meal out yesterday.


Complete the sentence with your own ideas of a PAST result:

If Nick weren't so irresponsible, ________________


Make a zero conditional using these prompts:

Charlie / to phone

Possible answer:

If Charlie phones, tell him to meet us at the bar.


Complete the sentence to make a first conditional:

If you _______ (wear) sandals in the mountains, you  _______ (slip) on the rocks.

What is the second conditional?


Make a second conditional sentence with this prompts:

(The weather / be as rainy tomorrow as it was today / we / go biking)

How do you make this conditional with unless?


Make a third conditional sentence with this prompts:

(The police / come earlier / they / arrest the burglar)

How do you make this conditional with unless?


What is the meaning of this sentence? 

If I weren't so busy, I would have learnt a foreign language.

a) She has a busy life and therefore never learnt a foreign language.

b) She had a busy life and therefore she never learnt a foreign language then.

Correct answer:

a) She has a busy life and therefore never learnt a foreign language.


Make a zero conditional using these prompts:

You / get lost

Possible answer:

Phone me if you get lost.


Complete the sentence to make a first conditional:

If we _______ (go) to the cinema, I ________ (stay) home and do nothing.

How do you make this conditional with unless?


Make a second conditional sentence with this prompts:

(I / lost in the city / to ask for directions.)

What is the third conditional?


Make a third conditional sentence with this prompts:

(The bartender / speak more slowy, John / understand him)

What is the second conditional?


Make a mixed conditional based on the following information:

Reality: I am in the middle of a meeting. I couldn't answer the phone.

Possible answer:

If I weren't in the middle of a meeting, I could have answered the phone.


Make a zero conditional using these prompts:

My children / catch a cold

Possible answer: 

If my children catch a cold, they stay at home.


Complete the sentence to make a first conditional:

If the sun ________ (shine), we ________(walk) dowtown.

What is the third conditional?


Make a second conditional sentence with this prompts:

(Susan / be hardworking and responsible / she / do better at school.)

Make a mixed conditional with a PAST result.


Make a third conditional sentence with this prompts:

(You / buy fresh vegetables / your salad / taste better)

How do you make a mixed conditional with a PRESENT result?


Make a mixed conditional based on the following information:

Reality: My Italian is no good. I didn't translate the letter.

Possible answer:

If my Italian were better, I would have translated the letter.
