The limits and rules that people set for themselves
What are personal Boundaries
working this many hours per week in Ontario is considered overtime.
what is 44 hours per week
This well-meaning but misguided phrase went viral in 2012 as a tagline for Victoria's Secret's "Pink Loves Consent" line
consent is not always sexy, and moreso, it is a human right.
In many cultures, parents may ask their children to do this before touching or interacting physically, respecting their child's comfort level.
What is asking permission
Is This Okay: asking to touch someone else before doing so?
To give permission for something to happen or be done
What is consent
True or False: Employers can ask you to do something work-related outside your job description.
but you don't need to do it. you are allowed to say no or ask why they are requesting it of you.
The ability to freely change your mind about something after giving consent is an example of this kind of consent.
What is ongoing or enthusiastic consent
This type of behavior happens when a parent or family member ignores the need for their child’s agreement, especially in terms of physical or emotional space
what is overstepping boundaries
Is this okay: helping someone who appears to be struggling without asking first?
especially if it involves touching or moving them or taking things from them.
Talking in this way can clarify your boundaries and make you seem confident.
What is firm and direct
Employees have the right to refuse certain tasks or assignments that make them feel unsafe or uncomfortable. This is protected by laws ensuring this form of workplace consent.
What is the right to refuse unsafe work
This form of consent means that both parties have clearly communicated their agreement, especially in contexts like intimate relationships.
What is informed consent
This principle allows for a family member to say "no" without guilt or fear of consequences, ensuring their personal limits are respected.
What is the right to say "no"
Is This Okay: Setting rules/boundaries with your roommate and then intentionally breaking them?
You live with them. You don't have to like them but you have to respect their boundaries.
This well-known video used for teaching consent, uses analogies and metaphors to get the concept across without taking about sexual relations.
What is Tea Consent or Bicycle Consent (Cycling through consent)
When asking a coworker to collaborate on a task, you should ensure that they agree and are comfortable with the expectations. This is an example of this type of communication.
What is clear communication
A legal principle that indicates any form of sexual activity without consent is considered this.
What is assault
When a teenager expresses discomfort with certain family traditions or behaviors, and those feelings are acknowledged without dismissal, this is an example of this kind of boundary setting.
What is mutual respect in family dynamics
Is This Okay: surprise physical touch without having previously discussed it?
Some people do not like physical touch, especially by surprise. Ask first.
This state of being comes from prolonged stress. Be that personal, work-related, school-related or general.
What is Burnout.
Something to avoid by practicing self-care and setting boundaries for yourself in every aspect of life.
This legal principle protects employees from being forced to engage in workplace activities, such as overtime or unsafe work conditions, without their explicit agreement.
What is worker consent and workplace safety
This is an example of non-verbal consent, such as initiating or reciprocating physical affection, like leaning in for a kiss or touching.
What is positive body language
This action refers to taking and sharing pictures of family members without their permission, potentially violating their personal privacy and boundaries.
What is posting photos without consent
Is This Okay: Not pushing for a yes when someone says "no"?
You're respecting someone's boundaries and decisions!!