Quotes & Sayings

A pirate helped future US president Andrew Jackson to win the final battle of the war of 1812 with the British in this southern port city known for its French influences.

New Orleans (Jean Lafitte)


The architect who designed the pyramids in front of the Louvre museum came from which country?

The United States (I.M. Pei)


Despite his blatant and tragic foul during the 2006 World Cup, the player in the white uniform, now a coach in Europe's second most populous city (behind Berlin) is recognized as one of the greatest in French history.

Zinedine Zidane


These three countries (name one) have both German and French included as official languages.

Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland


Boasting both manicured and wild-growing gardens, the former residence of one of this famous French artist is located in this Norman city. Name the city or the artist.

Giverny (Claude Monet)


This great French writer and poet might feel rather "miserable" if he saw the animated adaptations of some of his greatest works.

Victor Hugo (Les Misérables, Notre-Dame de Paris)


If you have a sweet tooth and wanted to taste the top-shelf version of this popular and often very colorful treat, you could go to La Durée café in Paris.


Finish the national motto of France: Liberté, Égalité, ________

Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité


Name this “tale as old as time” that was first published in France in 1740.

La Belle et la bête (Beauty and the Beast)


This visually anonymous French duo penned such hits as "Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger" and "Get Lucky."

Daft Punk


This northern Minnesota city’s name is a misspelling of the French explorer for whom it was named.

Duluth (Daniel Greysolon, sieur du Lhut)


During May in the eighth year of this decade, thousands of students and workers took to the streets of Paris in a series of protests that would be the start of a series of radical changes in French society.

The 1960s (1968)


In which French-speaking city is this "castle" located?

Québec City (Ville de Québec)


Name one of the combat sports in which France won a gold medal at the 2024 Olympic Games.

Judo (Teddy Riner - Men's +100kg)

Judo (Mixed Team)

Taekwondo (Althéa Laurin - Women's +67kg)


A celtic tribe called settled on the banks of the river Seine in the Iron Age in this area that the Romans referred to as Lutetia.



With just one drink, this diminuitive Gaul, a character created by the French duo Goscinny et Uderzo, has the strength necessary to repel a whole army of Roman soldiers.



Just a bite of a shell-shaped madeleine could, according to this French writer, bring on intense childhood memories.

Marcel Proust


Find the odd one out: Riesling, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc.

Pinot Noir is the only red variety listed.


Who is purported to have said, when informed about a famine in France: “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche !”

Marie Antoinette: "Let them eat cake!"


Charles Trenet, a celebrated French singer-songwriter sometimes referred to as the “singing madman,” recorded this song that was used in the “Finding Nemo” soundtrack.

"La Mer" ("Under the Sea")


What is the title of the French national anthem?

La Marseillaise


This European is known as the first to explore our Minnesota River Valley, where both a town and river were named for him.

Pierre-Charles Le Sueur


Which French aristocrat participated in both the American and French revolution?

Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette


Better known for his iconic solo work located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, this engineer also collaborated with Viollet-le-Duc and Bartholdi on a statue known to the French as Liberté éclairant le monde.

Gustave Eiffel


While the race leader wears a yellow jersey, the best cyclist of mountain stages in the Tour de France wears this one.

Maillot à pois (Polka-Dot Jersey)


Originally called Hochelega by some of its earliest residents, this French-speaking metropolis eventually adopted the name of the triple-peaked hill that rises within its city limits.

Montréal (Mont Royal)


Robert Doisneau, a celebrated French photographer commonly recognized as one of the pioneers of photojournalism, is best known for an image of two people engaged in this activity.

kissing (Le Baiser de l'hôtel de ville)


Which children’s classic was penned by French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery while exiled in New York City during the Second World War?

Le Petit prince (The Little Prince)


Though not French herself, this classically-trained chef was considered one of the 20th century's great masters of French cooking, receiving the prestigious "Legion of Honor" award from the French government in recognition of her achievements.

Julia Child


In France, if you are meant to meet someone for a date or appointment and they don't show up, you might want to check and see if one of these small, cuddly mammals is nearby.

A rabbit: Poser un lapin means to not keep a scheduled appointment.


Produced by the celebrated American director Martin Scorsese, this film incorporates a character representing the celebrated French movie producer Georges Méliès.

Hugo (2011)


One of the most celebrated French singers of all time and one of the best-known in the US, her French nickname translates into English as “kid,” “child,” or “baby sparrow.”

 Edith Piaf (la môme Piaf)


While some may believe that this city on the Minnesota-Wisconsin border gets its name from its geographical location, it actually was named for equipment used in a sport played by many of its native residents.

La Crosse


The first US ambassador to France, this statesman also went by the pseudonym "Poor Richard."

Benjamin Franklin


These cylindrical structures one finds in both Berlin (beginning in 1855) and Paris (beginning in 1866) are installed on public sidewalks and used for advertising.

Colonne Morris


David Belle, the son of a French father and Vietnamese mother, grew up in France, but relocated to Paris as a young adult and is widely credited with the development of this urban sport, one that requires no special equipment.



Name the French department located in the Indian Ocean whose unofficial regional flag includes the image of a volcano and golden sunbeams.

La Réunion


If you think about it a little more, you will probably find the name of this artist, arguably the most famous French sculptor of all time.

Auguste Rodin

(Le Penseur - The Thinker)


The Canadian author Roch Carrier wrote a story inspired by an unfortunate mix-up in the order his mother placed for a new hockey sweater (jersey). Which team's sweater did he receive.

Toronto Maple Leafs

(Carrier, like all the residents of his small village in Québec, was an ardent fan of the Montréal Canadiens and their star player, Maurice "The Rocket" Richard).


The American version of this quintessentially French sandwich is often eaten with tomato soup.

croque monsieur (grilled cheese)


This flower serves as the basis for an expression, popular in both German and French, reminds us that there are always possible negatives or problems, even when something (or someone) seems beautiful and nearly perfect.

Keine Rose ohne Dornen | Il n'y a pas de rose sans épines.

Every rose has its thorn.


In which 1942 film (pictured below) does the leading man declare that "We'll always have Paris" as he sends the woman he loves off to join his rival while he stays put?

Casablanca (Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman)


Name the African country from which this husband and wife musical duo, both of whom happen to be blind, originate.

Mali (Amadou et Mariam)

These two small Atlantic islands located just off the coast of Canada constitute the final French foothold in North America today.

St. Pierre et Miquelon


Upon winning its independence from France in 1804, this republic, whose motto is also "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité" became the first in which a non-white majority controlled the government.

Haïti (Haiti)


Known primarily for his prolific work on fortifications such as the ones shown here, with which equally prolific French monarch is the military engineer Vauban associated?

Louis XIV


Name the French-speaking former soccer star who played for professional teams in all these countries: France, England, China, Turkey, Canada, United States.

Didier Drogba (Ivory Coast)


Italian reunification was completed when French troops left Rome in 1870 to fight the Franco-Prussian war. Which other country was reunified in 1871 as a result of France losing that war?



The avant-garde artist who created this piece has three museum spaces dedicated to exhibiting his works, one in the Parisian neighborhood of Montmartre, a second in Saint Petersburg, Florida, and a third in his hometown of Figeures, Spain.

Salvador Dalí


The French celebrate the greatest movies at a festival in Cannes and the best theatrical works at another festival in Avignon. Another festival in Angoulême recognize examples of this genre that have the most "Bang" and "Pow."

bandes dessinées (comic books; graphic novels)


In certain parts of France, this favorite chocolaty pâtisserie purchase is known as a chocolatine, but many call it something else.

Pain au chocolat


If a competition such as bicycle race or track and field event has two or more competitors in very close contention for the race, we use this everyday item to describe how little separation there is between them.

a tissue (handkerchief)

« C'est dans un mouchoir de poche ! »


Often recognized as the inventors of modern cinema, these French brothers' early shorts "shined a light" on scenes from everyday life.

Les Frères Lumière (Lumière brothers)


Name the Montreal rock band whose most well-known song is arguably the one they recorded as the theme music for a beloved American animated series about a bunch of meddling kids.

Simple Plan ("What's New Scooby Doo?")


The mountainous terrain and rusty-colored soil of the Rouissillon region of France have led many to refer to it as the "little brother" of this US state.

Colorado (le petit Colorado)


Located on the island of Martinique, this defaced statue depicts a native of the island who wed one of the most powerful Frenchmen of the 19th century. Name either the woman or her husband.

Joséphine de Beauharnais (Empress)

Napoléon Bonaparte (Emperor Napoléon 1er)


Adjacent to the most famous museum in all of France, this public garden's name is taken from the construction material that used to be produced on the same site.

Le Jardin des Tuileries (des tuiles)


A former professional football (soccer) player in France for many years, Wilfried Nancy is now manager of which MLS club?

Columbus Crew


What is the name of the lake shown on this map?

Lac Léman


This historic opera house in the center of Paris is known for its ornate interior decorations and eclectic mix of architectural styles. With which brand of widely available haircare products does it share a name?

Opéra Garnier (Garnier Fructis)

Name one celebrated Francophone poet who later found success in politics.

Léopold Sédar Senghor (Sénégal)

Aimé Césaire (Martinique)

Léon Gontron Damas (Guyane)


Name the decadent almond-crusted pastry whose name and form celebrate a famous bicycle race.

le Paris-Brest

When an ardent group of influential Catholics opposed Henry IV's planned coronation as a Protestant King of France in the late 16th century, he is reported to have said, upon accepting to convert, that: "Paris is well worth a ____"

Paris is well worth a mass. (Paris vaut bien une messe.)


In addition to the movie of which you are about to see a clip, this French filmmaker is also known for titles such as Subway, The Big Blue, and La Femme Nikita.

Luc Besson (Le Cinquième Élément - The Fifth Element)


This French-speaking rapper from Dakar is particularly known for his "enlightened" lyrics and creative wordplay.

MC Solaar


Named after a province in France, this state includes a county that has the second-highest population of native French-speaking residents in the USA.

Maine (Androscoggin County)
