Bible Translations
Southern Baptist Convention
Bible Study Resources
Parables of Jesus
Letters of Paul

It is believed that this number of Jewish scholars were commissioned to translate, what is known as the Septuagint or LXX (Hebrew Scriptures into Greek).

What is 70.


Southern Baptists have summarized their biblical convictions in a confession of faith called...

What is The Baptist Faith and Message.


This Bible Study Resource is an alphabetical listing of all the words in the Bible and of all the verses in which they appear. 

What is a Bible concordance.


In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the first to pass by the wounded man?

What is the Priest.


The apostle Paul wrote his first letter to the church in Thessalonica, to whom did he write his last letter?

Who is Timothy.


This method of literal translation attempts to translate Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek into English using a 'word for word' approach.

What is Formal Equivalence.


Though as many as two hundred could be counted as “mega-churches,” the vast majority of Southern Baptist churches run with less than ___________ members.

What is 200.


This Bible Study Resource is meant to be used in parallel with the Bible’s text, offering explanations, insights, textual notes, historical background, and more.

What is a Bible commentary.


In the parable of the prodigal son, how did the son obtain his money?

What is through his father's inheritance.


In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul wrote of Christian life using the allegory of a soldier. What part of the armor did he describe as the word of God?

What is the sword of the Spirit.


This method of translation attempts to translate Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek into English using a 'thought for thought' approach.

What is Functional or Dynamic Equivalence.


The Southern Baptist Convention is a fellowship of over ___________ churches.

What is 47,000.


This Bible Study Resource is comprised of reading plans for the Bible that group texts into weekly, monthly or yearly readings.

What is a Bible Lectionary.


In the parable of the sower, what did the seeds that fell in the stony places represent?

What are those who heard the word, followed, but shortly after fell away because of no roots.


Who fell out of a window when Paul was preaching?

Who is Eutychus.


The commissioning of this Bible translation began in 1604 and was published in 1611.

What is the King James Version or King James Bible or Authorized Version.


According to the Southern Baptist Convention website, Dunkirk Baptist Church was founded in what year?

What is 1993.


This Bible Study Resource can help you determine which Hebrew or Greek word is used in a passage. It often shows the original Hebrew or Greek text with the literal English translation typed below each word.

What is an Interlinear Bible.


Jesus told a number of parables to help people understand the kingdom of heaven. What kind of seed did He compare the Kingdom to in one of His parables?

What is a mustard seed.


On what island was Paul shipwrecked on his voyage to Rome?

What is the Island of Malta.


In addition to formal and functional or dynamic equivalence, there are two other translation approaches, what are they?

Paraphrase (clarity sacrifices accuracy) and Amplified (accuracy sacrifices clarity)


The Southern Baptist Convention operates this number of seminaries?

What are 6 seminaries.


This Bible Study Resource is one of the most common Bible study tools, but they have wide variety among them. Some focus on a book or passage of the Bible, while others focus on a certain topic, while others still cover multiple topics.

What is a devotional.


In the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, what was Jesus' meaning of the story?

What is to be watchful, ready and prepared for the coming of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.


These 4 letters by Paul are called the 'Prison letters'.

What are Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians and Philemon.
