Types of Trace Evidence
Collection Procedures
Key Terms
Preservation and Documentation
Case Studies

What type of trace evidence is commonly found on a suspect’s clothing and can link them to a crime scene, often using a microscope for analysis?

What is fiber evidence?


What is the correct tool to use when collecting small, loose pieces of paint evidence from a crime scene?

What are tweezers?


What is the term for maintaining a documented record of all individuals who have handled a piece of evidence?

What is the chain of custody?


How should evidence collected from a crime scene be documented to ensure its integrity?

What is by photographing, sketching, and labeling the evidence with time, date, and location of collection?


In a hit-and-run case, paint from the suspect's car was found on a victim’s bicycle. Which type of evidence is this, and how can it be used?

What is paint evidence? It can be used to match the paint on the suspect's car to the paint on the bicycle, linking the car to the scene.


This trace evidence can be left behind after breaking a window or vehicle collision at a crime scene.

What is glass evidence?


Describe the first step you must take when you arrive at a crime scene to collect trace evidence.

What is securing the crime scene?


What term refers to the intentional or unintentional transfer of trace evidence from one location or object to another?

What is cross-contamination?


Why is it important to place collected paint samples in separate containers?

What is to prevent cross-contamination between different samples and ensure each sample's integrity.


A burglar leaves broken glass at the crime scene, and a suspect is later found with similar glass fragments in their shoes. What is the next step in the investigation?

What is to analyze the glass fragments from the suspect's shoes and compare them with the glass at the crime scene to establish a connection?


This type of evidence can help identify a specific make or model of a car involved in a hit-and-run accident.

What is paint evidence?


How should you collect soil samples to ensure they are representative of the crime scene?

What is collecting soil from various locations at the scene, including control samples from nearby undisturbed areas?


What do you call the practice of collecting control samples from areas unaffected by the crime, to compare with the evidence?

What are reference samples?


What should be included on the label of a package containing trace evidence?

What is the case number, date of collection, location of collection, and the name of the evidence collector?


Hair is found at a crime scene. DNA analysis shows that it belongs to the suspect, but the suspect claims they’ve never been to the location. What type of evidence is this and how does it impact the case?

What is biological trace evidence (hair)? It directly links the suspect to the scene and contradicts the suspect’s claim, making it critical in the investigation.


This type of biological trace evidence can be used to identify an individual through DNA analysis.

What is hair evidence?


How do you properly collect and package glass evidence to prevent contamination?

What is using gloves to handle the glass, placing smaller pieces in a rigid container, and wrapping larger pieces in tissue paper before storing them in a sturdy box?


What is the name of the science that focuses on the study and analysis of physical evidence in criminal cases?

What is forensic science?


What is the first action to take when handling fragile evidence like glass to avoid breakage or damage?

What is using a rigid container or wrapping the evidence to protect it from further breakage?


In a murder case, soil found on the suspect's boots matches soil from the crime scene, even though the suspect claims they were never there. What does this evidence suggest?

What is soil evidence? It suggests that the suspect was at the crime scene, despite their denial, potentially strengthening the case against them.


This type of trace evidence is often found on footwear or tires and can be used to match a suspect to a location.

What is soil evidence?


What steps are involved in collecting hair evidence from a crime scene?

What is locating the hair visually or using a magnifying glass, collecting it with tweezers or tape lifts, and packaging it in a clean paper packet or small envelope?


What type of evidence cannot be seen with the naked eye but is crucial in linking suspects to a crime scene?

What is trace evidence?


What is the importance of maintaining a strict chain of custody when handling trace evidence?

What to ensure the evidence’s admissibility in court by proving it was not tampered with or altered during the investigation.


Glass fragments found at a crime scene are analyzed and determined to be from a specific type of car window. How might this evidence be used in identifying a suspect?

What is forensic glass analysis? The specific type of glass can help investigators narrow down the make and model of the vehicle involved, leading to the identification of a suspect.
