How do you spell and say the color white in French?
blanc, b l a c
How do you say 75 in french?
How do you say a classroom in french?
un classe
how do you say 51 in french?
how do you say raise your hand in french?
levez la main
How do you spell and say the color green in French?
vert, v e r t
How do you say 83 in french?
How do you say a desk in french?
un bureau
how do you say 55 in french?
how do you say sit down in french?
How do you spell and say the color purple in french?
violet, v i o l e t
How do you say 77 in french?
How do you say a chair in french?
une chaise
how do you say 67 in french?
how do you say open your book in french?
ouverez votere livre
How do you spell and say the color yellow in french?
jaune, j a u n e
How do you say 90 in french?
How do you say a dictionary in french?
un dictionnaire
how do you say 68 in french?
how do you say stand up in french?
se lever
How do you spell and say the color gray in French?
Gris, g r i s
How do you say 98 in french?
How do you say a computer in french?
un ordinateur
how do you say 70 in french?
how do you say clean up in french?