You have two on each hand. They are short and fat.
What are thumbs?
Spasm causing sudden inhalation, makes characteristic sound
What is a 'hiccup'?
'If I listened in class I would know the answer' is called this.
What is the second conditional?
The long version of GP
What is General Practitioner?
You put them in your eyes if they are dry or sore.
What are (eye) drops?
You carry your backpack on these.
What are your shoulders?
Reaction to feeling sleepy or tired.
What is to yawn?
The past participle of 'to swell'
What is 'swollen'?
The long version of BP
What is Blood Pressure?
What is over the counter?
Your belt goes around this.
What is the waist?
The sensation you feel before you scratch your skin.
What is itchy / itch?
The tense you have to use when an action happened in the past and you know when it happened.
What is past simple / simple past?
The long version of BMI
What is Body Mass Index?
This is another word for pill and starts with the letter C
What is a capsule?
You close your eyes with these.
What are eyelids?
The word for a medical assistant who works in hospital
What is an orderly?
What is '6 weeks ago'
The meaning of A&E?
What is Accident & Emergency?
Thanks to this you can intravenous medication
What is a drip?
This body part sounds like a piece of meat.
What is the hamstring?
The word you use to describe a pain which is bothering you consistently.
What is (a) nagging (pain)?
To form the third conditional in English you need which tenses?
What is past perfect in the if clause and would + have + past participle in the main clause
The meaning of p/c
What is 'presenting complaint'?
These are unpleasant symptoms you can get when you take medicine.
What are side effects?