THE Best of Conwest
Behind the Desk
Skills & Thrills
Out-of-Office Adventures!
Starring in...

Known for their culinary capabilities, this person's salads are the talk of the office.

Who is Sage Stevens


Although this development team member is allergic to felines, they have a pet cat. Unfortunately, they found out after adopting one.

Who is Dario Brzovic


A jack of both trades: This development team member both skies and snowboards.

Who is Brandon Pao


While driving through Okinawa, Japan, this finance team member's adventure turned into an eerie odyssey. As they journeyed to tourist attractions, their GPS continuously led them to cemeteries, ominously announcing, "You have arrived at your destination." 

Who is Jullian Wat


This development team member would be Iceman from Top Gun, because they both have dazzling hair, are sporting eye-catching uniforms, and try to keep their friends out of trouble... or jail.

Who is Clint Popoff


People in this company take holidays seriously, but no one decorates their office quite as festively as this person.

Who is Rachelle Mezzarobba


Having played the piano for eight years, the guitar for two, and taken singing lessons for five, this youngster absolutely brought the house down at their Grade 7 talent show.

Who is Kip Guthrie


This finance team member has been flying planes since they were 17. Rumour has it, he's flying the SMT to their Victoria retreat.

Who is Jonathan Mak


This development team member has competed in a freestyle "big air" skiing event, and has even skied the volcanoes of Japan.

Who is Ryan Brown


This person would star in Harry Potter as Hermione Granger, because of their shared love for reading and extensive libraries.

Who is Chantal Francoeur


In a workplace that values brainstorming, comradery, and candor, this team's conversations stand out as the most animated, especially when Ben's around to join in.

Who is the Acquisitions Team


These two people from different teams have seen the world. One has travelled to 34 countries and lived in 6 of them over the course of their life. The other has travelled to 15 countries and 57 cities over the last two years.

Who are Kateryna Pylypyuk and Gurinder Singh


This design expert is a role-playing games geek, and also quite knowledgeable about medieval fortifications.

Who is Scott Delgatty


This accounting team member loves the outdoors. In 2022, they went backcountry backpacking in Strathcona during one of the worst storms of the decade. By the time his group reached the campsite, they had Stage 2 Hypothermia.

Who is Lucas Ishikawa


This person would be John Dutton from Yellowstone, a compassionate leader who owns thousands of acres in Yellowstone Park. Both are known for their engagement with townsfolk, indigenous leaders, and politicians.

Who is Joe Carreira


Staying hydrated is crucial to perform your best, and this person never goes thirsty. In fact, they always keep a water bottle bigger than a human head close-by.

Who is Liz Hill


A supertaster is someone who experiences taste, especially bitterness, more intensely than the average person. As a supertaster, this team member finds broccoli, coffee, and the dark chocolates in the kitchen overwhelmingly bitter.

Who is Kat Jovanovic


This team member's hidden talent is naming all of the countries in the world, and their hobby of going to concerts has led them to see more than 100 different artists live.

Who is Chantal Francoeur


This person's most adventurous story is a captivating quest. A quest to find their great-grandfather's tombstone on a remote island south of Shanghai. With minimal Mandarin proficiency, no internet or maps, they ventured to an area that was even unknown to many citizens of the country. After hours of relentlessly seeking guidance from villagers in 40°C heat, they found nothing and almost gave up. Taking refuge in a restaurant, they spoke to the owner who left and returned with a 90-year-old man who turned out to be their grandfather's second cousin. In the end, they went looking for a tombstone and discovered a living relative.

Who is Brandon Pao


This SMT member would be Sherlock Holmes, as they both enjoy working with others to solve problems, embarking on unknown adventures, and using logic, observation, data, and a little bit of intuition to find the solution. They both also wear big coats and multiple layers at work.

Who is Alicia Chang


While there are several exemplars who embody Conwest's value of teamwork, this team member stands out as the best sport when it comes to reception coverage.

Who is Andrew Wu


As one of the office polyglots, a speaker of multiple languages, this person speaks four proficiently. Their decision to learn one of them was driven by the aspiration to become an anime voice actress, and they practiced by imitating TV shows.

Who is Katrina Chang


This person used to love singing and wishes they went on American Idol. But now when they open their mouth, all that comes out are rants.

Who is Ben Taddei


This team member is comfortable on the water. They have spent two weeks working on a Canadian naval ship, sailed through Desolation Sound, and whitewater rafted in the BC interior.

Who is Louise Tagulao


These two SMT members love sports and would both be Billy Beane from Moneyball, a movie that depicts how the Oakland A's revolutionized baseball using data-driven tactics.

Who are Pete Matthews and Evan Huie
