make ends meet
to be able to make enough money only for one's basic needs
under the weather - feel good
false (feeling ill or sicko)
blow ___ and ____ (attitude and opinion keeps changing)
blow hot and cold
paint the town red
kõrtse mööda käima
to study hard
hit the books
dodge a bullet
avoid a failure or loss or injury
a slap on the wrist - sb wanting to grab another person's attention
false (a very mild punishment)
travel _____ (travel without a lot of luggage)
travel light
hit town
linna jõudma
one who imitates another's work without adding anything new to it
bury the hatchet
make peace with sb
clear as mud - sth which is considered clear and understandable
false (confusing or unclear)
take someone under your ____ (look after someone)
take someone under your wing
urban legend
according to established rules
by the book
live out of a suitcase
be away from home a lot
at sea - things are disorganized and chaotic
right as ____ (in excellent health)
right as rain
improve yourself
mend your ways
be a breeze
something which is easy to achieve, often unexpectedly
on ice - put it aside for a while
feel ____ ( feel sad and depressed)
feel blue
goof off
aega tuulde laskma
to lose your reputation or privileged position
fall from grace