Serena Graziosi
George's middle name
What is the name of the old green rat?
What's the LA Manager's full name?
Erin Li
Where you throw trash
Something to open soup containers/tins
What is a garbage can opener?
This person has an 18 year old cat (72 in dog years if that matters)
Rose Locacciato
How many siblings do I have?
Who was Luke Skywalker’s first mentor in A New Hope?
Obi-Wan Kenobi
How many zeroes in three hundred and three billion?
Song by the Far East Movement ("Fly like a...)
Instagram account that reports on the news/social scene in Toronto
What is G6-Buzz?
This person is a whale lover and an aspiring entrepreneur
Clara Beamish
What was my original program at Guelph?
Software Eng
What is the name of Han Solo’s ship?
Millennium Falcon
In this Halo game, you play as Noble 6
Halo: Reach
Mission Impossible hero
Guided warhead used against terrestrial or naval targets
What is Tom Cruise Missile?
This person has a 665 Duolingo streak, they also love Stardew Valley
Maddy de la Mothe
Which university does my sibling go to?
Double points if you tell me her job
Western (RA)
What is the Sith name of Emperor Palpatine?
Darth Sidious
How many times can you make a 7 with two separate dice?
(1+6, 2+4, 3+4, 4+3, 5+2, 6+1)
A bar in Guelph with an aristocratic (fancy) first name
A vehicle gets its power from a battery
What is a Royal Electric Car?
This person committed biological warfare against an Italian head of state
The country George was born in
(double points if city is named)
What is the United Arab Emirates? (Dubai)
In The Clone Wars, what is the name of the planet where Ahsoka Tano leaves the Jedi Order?
Who's the current host of Jeopardy?
(I'll take either host as a correct answer)
Ken Jennings or Mayim Balik
Fortnite dance that starts with a color
DC Superhero Alliance
What is the Orange Justice League?