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Fats are found in nuts, avocado, olive oil, and dairy products supply this number of Calories per gram.

What is 9?


This is the name for the movement that propels food down the esophagus.

What is peristalsis?


This enzyme is involved in chemical digestion of carbohydrate in the mouth.

 What is amylase?


 This is a common term used by many food companies to make claims about the amount of carbohydrate in their products. However, this term doesn’t have a legal definition from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and this term is not used by the American Diabetes Association.

What is "net carbs"?


The DNA holds the genic directions for protein synthesis for each specialized cell, but since DNA is too large to leave the nucleus to reach the ribosomes in another part of the cell, messenger RNA (mRNA) needs to make a copy of the DNA code.  This information will determine the eventual sequence for amino acids. Name this process.

What is transcription?


This nutrient provides 4 Calories per gram is found in meat, legumes, and milk and helps grow lean muscle tissue, vital organs, hemoglobin, and skin.

What is protein?


When people lack an important enzyme called lactase that digests the sugar found in milk products they are described to be this.

What is lactose intolerant?


 This enzyme is active in the acidic stomach environment and is responsible for starting the chemical digestion of protein.  

What is pepsin?


Bile from the liver and digestive enzymes from this organ help break down macronutrients further in the small intestine.

What is the pancreas?


This is the name for the guide that allows individual flexibility with healthy parameters for the distribution of Calories from dietary fat, protein and carbohydrates.

 What is the acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR)?


Name the food component that is found in whole grains and is lost in processed grains but helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower the risk of heart disease and can provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories that may help with weight control.  

What is fiber?


These are chemicals produced by plants that protect them from germs and insects and ALSO provide benefits to humans who eat plant foods.

What are phytochemicals or phytonutrients?


This lipid carrier is made up of more fat than protein and is responsible for carrying cholesterol to arteries.

What is LDL (low density lipoprotein)?


 This is the location in the digestive tract where water and electrolytes are absorbed.

 What is the large intestine?


The disease that flattens the villi of the intestine in the presence of gluten thus reducing the absorption of nutrients.  

What is Celiac disease?


The sequential steps employed by Dr. Beaumont on Mr. St. Martin in an effort to conduct experiments to explain gastrointestinal physiology.

What Is the Scientific Method?  


This is the order that ingredients are listed on labels

What is listed by weight in descending order from the most to the least present in the product?


This is the human cells’ preferred fuel to make the ATP energy source.

What is glucose?


This type of excess fat is stored around the abdomen inside and around the organs, contributing to an apple-shaped body, and by measuring the waist circumference, an individual can determine if they have too much of this fat.

 What is visceral fat?  


The descriptive name used to describe what happens to proteins that are exposed to acid or extended heating which destroys the original protein shape and biological function.

What is denaturation?


This is the term used to define the macro- and micronutrients that you must obtain from the diet because the body cannot produce them or enough of them to meet an individual's nutritional needs.  

 What is essential?


This type of fat is unhealthy for your heart because it lowers your good cholesterol and increases your bad cholesterol and is found in foods containing partially hydrogenated fat.

What is trans fat?


The excess glucose that is not stored as body fat is stored in the muscles and liver in this form.

What is glycogen?


Easy, effortless, guaranteed, miraculous, magical, breakthrough, new discovery, mysterious, secret, are examples of words and phrases used to promote the types of products usually marketed online at destinations with url addresses ending in .com and .net.

 What is fraudulent advertising on commercial sites who are usually financially motivated?


The completeness with the presence of all 9 amino acids and high digestibility are the 2 major aspects that determine this measure.

What is the measure of protein quality?
