Memory 1
Memory 2
Memory 3
Pavlov noticed that as long as he rang the bell (CS) and provided the food (US), this increased the CS-US pairing. The more this CS-US pairing occurred, there was an increase in learning the conditioned response. What is this phenomenon called?
Bob washes the dishes to avoid his mother nagging him. What type of operant conditioning is Bob facing?
Negative Reinforcement
________________ is getting information into memory, whereas ______________ is retaining information in memory.
Encoding, Storage
When sensory memory is given ______________________, it is converted to short term memory. This short term memory is maintained through the process of ______________________________.
Attention, Maintenance Rehearsal
The process of placing a Long term memory in short term memory is called _____________________.
If the conditioned stimulus (CS) is presented without the unconditioned stimulus (US), the conditioned response (CR) eventually extinguishes. What is this phenomenon called?
Alina forbids her daughter Alissa from watching television as a punishment for her bad behavior. Alina hopes that Alissa will eventually stop her bad behavior to get her television privileges back. What type of operant conditioning is Alina using?
Negative Punishment
1. Sensory Memory is lost when it is ________________________.
_______________________ is the creation of memories or experiences that never occurred
False Memory
Memories decay gradually if they are not used. This is called _____________________.
Storage Decay
Pavlov’s dog have been used for his conditioning experiments for a very long time. Pavlov took the next move and tried to teach his dogs to salivate to a very distinct bell. Let’s say there are 5 different bells, and Bell # 4 is the only bell that produces food when it is rung. Pavlov conditioned his dogs to distinguish between the 5 different bells and to only salivate when Bell #4 is rung. The fact that Pavlov’s dogs can now distinguish between the bells is known as what phenomenon?
___________________ is a law that basically states “responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become more likely to occur in that situation, and responses that produce a discomforting effect become less likely to occur again in that situation.” Developed by Edward Thorndike.
Law of Effect
Some people have a harder time learning how to drive an automatic vehicle because of their pre-existing knowledge of how to drive a stick shift. What type of failure is this in memory recollection?
Proactive Interference
Eric got into an accident 5 days ago and he was describing it to his friends as if his car was practically in 2 pieces. In reality, he had a medium-sized dent on the front side of his car. Eric did have the experience of undergoing a car crash, but his recollection is not accurate. This is a type of faulty memory called _______________________________.
Misinformation Effect
___________ is the neural basis for learning and remembering associations. Synapses become more efficient at transmitting messages, leading to more efficient neural circuits.
Long-Term Potentiation
A dog tends to salivate (UR) when it receives food (US). It is conditioned to salivate (CR) to hearing a bell (NS). Now, you take conditioning one step further. You flash a light bulb 5 minutes before ringing the bell and then providing the food. The dog is now conditioned to salivate (CR) when the light bulb goes off. What is this phenomenon called?
Second-order conditioning
Mr. Krabs told SpongeBob and Squidward that the employee that works the hardest will receive a free sandwich when Mr. Krabs feels like appreciating them. SpongeBob, of course, works the hardest. Every now and then, he gets a free sandwich. It does not come every day, every week, or every month. SpongeBob can never predict when he will receive the coveted Krusty Krab sandwich. What type of reinforcement is this? (Does not refer to Schedule of reinforcement….think harder!)
Intermittent Reinforcement
You’re quickly crossing the street to come to Psychology 102 lecture on time. As you are crossing the street, another group of people are crossing as well. As you quickly pass by them, your ears pick up tid bits of their conversation and the only thing that your ears picked up and you could remember for a few seconds was a girl's voice saying, "yeah I told him to wear that yellow shirt." You hear this but you do not focus too much on it. You run to open the building doors to run to class. And that memory disappears. That was _____________________ memory.
Echoic Memory
______________________ is a type of retrieval failure that preserves self-concept and is explained by Freud’s idea of repression
Motivated forgetting
Most of us remember when, where, and how we learned to drive, but most of us do not remember such details when it comes to when we learned to take our first steps. This is a type of faulty memory called ________________________________.
Source Amnesia
Ice-cream makes your mouth water. The first time you heard the song from an ice cream truck, it means nothing to you. However, you realize the truck provides ice cream. Now, every time an ice-cream truck passes by, it makes your mouth water. What is the US, UR, NS, CS, and CR?
i. US=Ice-cream ii. UR= Salivation (mouth waters) iii. NS= Ice cream Truck iv. CS= Ice cream Truck v. CR= Salivation (mouth waters)
A rat gets a pellet after 60 seconds no matter how many times he pressed the button. Instead of receiving a treat every 60 seconds, he has to wait 90 seconds for the next treat, then 30 seconds, then 3 minutes. What type of reinforcement schedule is this following?
Variable-Interval (VI) schedule
Ted drives his car, just like all of us. It comes naturally to him. Every time he gets behind the wheel, he does not have to think hard about how to drive. This is a ________________ type of memory because Ted does not actively think about how to drive. Driving is a memory that falls under ___________________ because it is a skill that Ted learned when he was 17.
Implicit/Non-declarative, Procedural
Lin remembers watching his friend die during combat. Every day, he remembers that very particular event. He is overcome with pain and helplessness. His body becomes stressed and he cannot function normally. He spends his days inside his residence. What type of memory is this?
Emotional Memory
Julie remembers the day she graduates from pharmacy school. She remembers the dress she wore, the color of the bouquet her family gave her, what her fiancé wore that day, the speech, the conversations that she had with her fellow classmates. She remembers very vivid details. What type of memory is this?
Flashbulb memory