Thankful for Fall
Fall Facts
Ghost and Ghouls
"Fall"owing History
Pumpkin Spice and All Things Nice
This thanksgiving tradition can be bone cracking and often leaves one person with wishful thinking.
What is cracking the wishbone?
Another name for heat waves, or summer weather that can happen, later into the fall season.
What is an Indian Summer?
This is another name for a decorative pumpkin?
What is a gord?
Thanksgiving became an official holiday in Canada in this year? (or decade)
What is 1957?
What is the main ingredient in pumpkin pie?
What is pumpkin?
Thanksgiving in the United States is not in October, but in this month.
What is November?
Despite it's name, this fall holiday is celebrated at the end of September.
What is Oktoberfest?
Which animal do you not want to cross on Halloween?
What is a black cat?
The destruction of this famous wall was the beginning of a new Germany on November 9, 1989.
What is the Berlin Wall?
This vegetable is a mix of turnip and cabbage and is harvested in the fall.
What is a rutabaga?
Not all provinces in Canada celebrate Thanksgiving as a statutory holiday. In fact there are four, name me one.
What is Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland
These trees stay the same colour during fall?
What is the Evergreen tree? Evergreen trees will not lose their leaves like deciduous trees. Their leaves, also called needles, are covered with a thick wax. This wax protects the inner components of the needles, preventing them from freezing.
This popular Halloween movie is based on three witch sisters that come back to suck the souls of poor little children... do not worry it is not scary, actual quite comical.
What is Hocus Pocus?
The 2nd youngest Prime Minister in Canada was sworn into parliament on November 4, 2015.
Who is Justin Trudeau?
This coffee drink is most popular at chain coffee shops during the fall, especially Starbucks.
What is Pumpkin Spice Latte?
Thanksgiving Day is not the only holiday we should be thankful for during fall. This is the other holiday we observe during fall.
What is Remembrance Day?
True or False, do squirrels hibernate after they collect all their nuts for the winter?
What is False? Contrary to popular belief, squirrels who have spent the entire autumn collecting acorns and other foods do not hibernate for the winter. Rather, they spend the majority of their time in nests they built to shelter them from harsh weather. When squirrels do come out in winter, they are usually tunneling under the snow to find the food they buried during the fall.
In which famous country is Dracula from?
What is Transylvania?
On the first Sunday of November, everyone in Alberta will get an extra hour of sleep that day, and everyday until Sunday, March 11, 2018 because of this.
What is Daylight Savings/Time change?
Often a salty, spice up water mixture, often called a turkey "bath" is this.
What is a brine?
Not often hearing the term 'poult' it is another name for this.
What is a baby turkey?
Fall is very important for birds. They begin to do this?
What is migrate south for the winter?
This famous author has created some scary characters, to spoke anyone and everyone during Halloween... especially Penny Wise.
Who is Stephen King?
Often referred to as open season, this time during fall is heavily regulated by Alberta's Fish and Wildlife Conservation sector.
What is Hunting season?
When having candied yams at thanksgiving, these are roasted on top.
What is marshmallows?