Verbs and Adverbs
Analyzing plot elements
Nouns and Adjectives
Character Traits

Find the adverb in this sentence:

Wow, look at how quickly that horse runs!



Jenny was excited for the field trip. Her fourth- grade class was going to the art museum. She couldn't wait to load the bus. "Jenny, could you come here please?" her teacher called. Jenny slowly approached her teachers desk. "Jenny, you never gave me your permission slip. Did you bring it back today?" Jenny looked at her teacher as tears filled her eyes.

What is the conflict in this passage?

A) Jenny can't wait to go to the field trip.

B) Jenny did not have a signed permission slip.

C) Jenny needs to be more responsible.

D) Jenny's teacher emailed her mom.

B) Jenny did not have a signed permission slip.


Find the adjective in this sentence:

Jake and his mom made a chocolate cake.



When Antonio walked into the classroom, he accidently bumped into the door frame. He took a few more steps and then tripped over a chair leg and fell flat on his face.

What character trait describes Antonio?



Which Sentence is written correctly? 

A) Would you like to go to the park with Jason and me?

B) would you like to go to the park with Jason and me?

C). Would you like to go to the Park with jason and me?


A) Would you like to go to the park with Jason and me?


Find the verb in this sentence:

Julie found many kinds of shells on the beach.



The smith family had planned their camping trip for months. They had picked the perfect location for seeing stars at night. Plus, they had found a campground with plenty of hiking trails and a lake just right for their canoe. The week before the trip they started packing. A few days before their trip a huge thunderstorm passed over the area with the campground.

What causes the conflict for the Smith family?

A) the packing

B) the rescheduling of the trip

C) the storm

D) the park ranger

C) the storm


Find the noun in this sentence: 

My new puppy is black and white.



Minji noticed that there was a new student in class. She smiled at him, then introduced herself. When it was time for recess, Minji ran up to the new student, tapped him on the shoulder, and asked him if he wanted to play a game with her.

What character trait describes Minji?



Which Sentence is written correctly? 

A) We went to Disneyland last july.

B) We went to Disneyland Last July.

C) We went to Disneyland last July.

C) We went to Disneyland last July.


Find the adverb in this sentence:

Walk carefully when holding scissors.


Amelie was the slowest person on her track team, but she still loved track. She practiced after school every day to work on getting better. More than anything, she wanted to score the fastest time on the 50- yard dash. Every day she worked on sprinting and every day she improved.

Which event is part of the rising action?

A) Amelie was the slowest person on her track team.

B) The gun fired.

C) Amelie worked on sprinting every day.

D) All of those nights of practice finally paid off.

C) Amelie working on sprinting everyday.


Find the noun in this sentence: 

I hope I get to see my grandma soon.



Marty hated chocolate, but when he went trick-or-treating for Halloween, he got a lot of chocolate. His younger brother asked him if he would share, and Marty told him no, even though he knew he wouldn't eat any of it.

What character trait describes Marty?



Which Sentence is written correctly? 

A) My dog rascal ate all of my potato chips.

B) My dog Rascal ate all of my potato chips.

C) My dog Rascal ate all of my Potato Chips.

B) My dog Rascal ate all of my potato chips.


Find the verb in this sentence:

On field day, the children ran in three different races.



Latisha was driving to Colorado to visit her family for Thanksgiving break. She took her eyes off of the road to find her music. She glanced back up to make sure that she was still in the lines. Everything was good, so she looked back down. She still couldn't find her music! Frustrated, she glanced back up. Still good. She dug through her console and found her C.D. She looked back up and right in front of her was a huge buck. She slammed on the brakes.

The climax happened when--

A) She saw the huge buck

B) She took her eyes off the road

C) She fell into the ditch

D) She couldn't find her music

B) She saw the huge buck


Find the adjective in this sentence:

My teacher loved the pretty picture I drew.



Blake needed to find a pair of shoes. She walked into her room, stepping over a huge pile of clothes. Peeking under her bed, Blake saw a used Kleenex and a stuffed animal, but no shoes.

What character trait describes Blake?



Which Sentence is written correctly? 

A) Have you read, Charlie and the chocolate factory?

B) Have you read, Charlie And The Chocolate Factory?

C) Have you read, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

C) Have you read, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?


Find the adverb in this sentence:

When it is raining, you should drive slowly.



Masha had practiced her piano solo for months. She could play the piece wit her eyes closed. However, she wasn't sure that she could perform it in front of the entire school. Her heart raced at just the thought. On Friday, Masha sat behind a closed curtain. Her mind was filled with all the possibilities of bad outcomes. What if she forgot how to read music? What if she couldn't remember where the piano keys were? What if she played horribly? Suddenly, the curtain opened. Masha took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and remembered all her practice sessions. Masha put her hands on the piano and began to play. She nailed every note. 

What event is is NOT part of the falling action?

A) Masha took a deep breath.

B) Masha began to play.

C) The curtain opened.

D) She remembered all her practice sessions.

C) The curtain opened

This is actually the climax!


Find the noun in this sentence:

Do you know how much a skateboard costs?



When Nicole got home from school, she immediately sat down to do her homework. Then, she vacuumed and dusted her bedroom. When her mom got home from work, Nicole helped her get dinner ready.

What character trait describes Nicole?



Which Sentence is written correctly? 

A) Mom bought Milk, Bananas, and Cheerios at the store.

B) Mom bought milk, bananas, and Cheerios at the store.

C) mom bought milk, bananas, and Cheerios at the store.

B) Mom bought milk, bananas, and Cheerios at the store.
