Which country was defeated by the Viet Minh at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu?
What was Operation AJAX?
The overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh by the CIA
What happened to John F. Kennedy, ending his presidency prematurely?
He was murdered/assassinated
Which landmark Civil Rights legislation did Johnson push through which had been drafted before Kennedy's murder?
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
Who was the British Prime Minister whose career was destroyed by the Suez Crisis?
Anthony Eden
What is the name for US Army Special Forces soldiers sent to support other nations in counterinsurgency tactics?
The Green Berets
What was PBSuccess?
The CIA orchestrated coup that overthrew Guatemalan President Arbenz
How did the Kennedy Administration respond to the deployment of Soviet nuclear capable missiles in Cuba?
It blockaded Cuba
What was the name of Johnson's domestic agenda which included programs like Food Stamps, Job Corps and Medicare?
The Great Society
Who was Syngman Rhee?
The dictator of South Korea
What was the name of the Communists in Laos?
Pathet Laos
What did the CIA do in Tibet?
It supported Tibetan independence fighters against the Chinese invaders
Why did JFK discourage the Freedom Riders?
They were embarrassing the United States on the world stage by exposing the bigotry that still was dominant in the South
What was the name of the bombing campaign against North Vietnam that Johnson escalated in 1965?
Operation Rolling Thunder
Who was the Army helicopter pilot that worked to stop the Mai Lai Massacre?
Hugh Thompson Jr.
What major Communist operation in 1968 discredited the American strategy during the Vietnam War?
The Tet Offensive
What was Operation Mongoose?
The CIA orchestrated terrorist campaign against Cuba following the Bay of Pigs
What agreement did Kennedy and Khrushchev reach due to concerns about the fallout from nuclear testing?
The 1963 Partial Nuclear Test Ban
Who was the investigative reporter that exposed the Mai Lai massacre?
Seymour Hersh
Which President oversaw the negotiations that created the ceasefire that ended the Korean War?
Which chemical defoliant did the US deploy at a large scale during the Vietnam conflict?
Agent Orange
What was the name of the organization that later became the CIA during WWII?
The OSS (Office of Strategic Services)
How many soldiers were sent by Kennedy to suppress the riot at Ole' Miss' over James Meredith's admission?
Who became President following LBJ?
Richard Nixon
Who was the first man to be successfully sent to space?
Yuri Gagarin